Textio – листинг

--  This is Package TEXTIO as defined in Chapter 14 of the
--  IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual (IEEE Std. 1076-1987)

package TEXTIO is

    -- Type definitions for Text I/O

    type LINE is access string;
    type TEXT is file of string;
    type SIDE is (right, left);
    subtype WIDTH is natural;

    -- Standard Text Files

    file input : TEXT is in "STD_INPUT";
    file output : TEXT is out "STD_OUTPUT";

    -- Input Routines for Standard Types

    procedure READLINE(variable f:in TEXT; L: inout LINE);

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out bit; GOOD : out BOOLEAN);
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out bit);

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out bit_vector; GOOD : out BOOLEAN);
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out bit_vector);

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out BOOLEAN; GOOD : out BOOLEAN);
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out BOOLEAN);

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out character; GOOD : out BOOLEAN);
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out character);

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out integer; GOOD : out BOOLEAN);
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out integer);

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out real; GOOD : out BOOLEAN);
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out real);

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out string; GOOD : out BOOLEAN);
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out string);

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out time; GOOD : out BOOLEAN);
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out time);

    -- Output Routines for Standard Types

    procedure WRITELINE(f : out TEXT; L : inout LINE);

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in bit;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0);

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in bit_vector;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0);

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in BOOLEAN;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0);

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in character;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0);

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in integer;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0);

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in real;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0;
       DIGITS: in NATURAL := 0);

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in string;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0);

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in time;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0;
       UNIT: in TIME := ns);

    -- File Position Predicates

    -- function ENDLINE(variable L : in LINE) return BOOLEAN;

    -- Function ENDLINE as declared cannot be legal VHDL, and
    --   the entire function was deleted from the definition
    --   by the Issues Screening and Analysis Committee (ISAC),
    --   a subcommittee of the VHDL Analysis and Standardization
    --   Group (VASG) on 10 November, 1988.  See "The Sense of
    --   the VASG", October, 1989, VHDL Issue Number 0032.

    function ENDFILE (f: in TEXT) return BOOLEAN ;

package body TEXTIO is
    -- The subprograms declared in the TEXTIO package are
    -- ignored for synthesis.
    -- Assertion warnings will be generated when these
    -- functions are called unconditionally.

    procedure READLINE(variable f:in TEXT; L: inout LINE) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READLINE ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READLINE ;

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out bit; GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out bit) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out bit_vector; GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out bit_vector) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out BOOLEAN; GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out BOOLEAN) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out character; GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out character) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out integer; GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out integer) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out real; GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out real) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out string; GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out string) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;

    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out time; GOOD : out BOOLEAN) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;
    procedure READ(L:inout LINE; VALUE: out time) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to READ ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end READ ;

    procedure WRITELINE(f : out TEXT; L : inout LINE) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to WRITELINE ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end WRITELINE ;

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in bit;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to WRITE ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end WRITE ;

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in bit_vector;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to WRITE ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end WRITE ;

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in BOOLEAN;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to WRITE ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end WRITE ;

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in character;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to WRITE ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end WRITE ;

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in integer;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to WRITE ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end WRITE ;

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in real;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0;
       DIGITS: in NATURAL := 0) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to WRITE ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end WRITE ;

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in string;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to WRITE ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end WRITE ;

    procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in time;
       JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right;
       FIELD: in WIDTH := 0;
       UNIT: in TIME := ns) is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Procedure call to WRITE ignored for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
    end WRITE ;

    function ENDFILE (f: in TEXT) return BOOLEAN is
       assert (FALSE)
          report "Function call to ENDFILE returns TRUE for synthesis"
          severity WARNING ;
       return TRUE ;
    end ENDFILE ;
end ;
Контактная информация:

Автор идеи и контента: Бибило П.Н.
Разработчики: Голанов В.А., Зарембо Д.В.
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