Основы языка VHDL – листинг



Глава 1. Основные элементы языка VHDL

1.1. Структурное и поведенческое описание цифровой системы
1.2. Лексические элементы и типы данных
1.3. Декларации
1.4. Интерфейс и архитектура объекта
1.5. Атрибуты
1.6. Имена
1.7. Операторы
1.8. Понятие сигнала в языке VHDL
1.9. Дельта-задержка


Глава 2. Последовательные и параллельные операторы

2.1. Последовательные операторы
2.2. Параллельные операторы


Глава 3. Организация проекта

3.1. Подпрограммы
3.2. Функции
3.3. Процедуры
3.4. Разрешающие функции. Пакет std_logic_1164
3.5. Архитектура
3.6. Декларация интерфейса объекта
3.7. Карта портов и карта настройки
3.8. Конфигурация
3.9. Блоки проекта и VHDL-библиотеки


Глава 4. Примеры проектирования на VHDL

4.1. Стили описания поведения
4.2. Формы описания сигналов
4.3. Описание автоматов
4.4. Отладка VHDL-описаний
4.5. Синтезируемое подмножество языка VHDL

1. Форма задания синтаксических конструкций языка VHDL
2. Синтаксис языка VHDL’93
4. Пакет STD_LOGIC_1164


1.1. Структурное и поведенческое описание цифровой системы

entity add1 is
  port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
        c1, s1 : out bit);
end add1;
architecture struct_1 of add1 is
  s1 <= ((b1 and (not b2)) or ((not b1) and b2));
  c1 <= b1 and b2;
end struct_1;

entity add2 is
  port (c1, a1, a2 : in  bit;
        c2, s2     : out bit);
end add2;
architecture struct_1 of add2 is
  s2 <= ((not c1) and (not a1) and a2) or
        ((not c1) and a1 and (not a2)) or
        (c1 and (not a1)and (not a2)) or
        (a1 and a2 and c1);
  c2 <= (a1 and c1) or (a2 and c1) or (a1 and a2);
end struct_1;

entity adder_2 is
  port (a1, b1, a2, b2 : in  bit;
        c2, s2, s1     : out bit);
end adder_2;
architecture structure of adder_2 is
    port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
          c1, s1 : out bit);
  end component;
  component add2
    port(c1, a1, a2 : in  bit;
         c2, s2     : out bit);
  end component;
  signal c1 : bit;
  circ1 : add1
    port map (b1, b2, c1, s1);
  circ2 : add2
    port map (c1, a1, a2, c2, s2);
end structure;

entity and2 is                          -- декларация имени объекта проекта
  port (x1, x2 : in  bit;               -- декларация входных портов
        y      : out bit);              -- декларация выходного порта
end and2;
architecture functional of and2 is      -- декларация архитектуры 
  y <= x1 and x2;                       -- описание функции объекта
end functional;

entity dd is
  port (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 : in  bit;
        y1, y2, y3             : out bit);
end dd;
architecture struct_1 of dd is
  y1 <= x1 or x2;
  y2 <= x3 or x4;
  y3 <= x5 or x6;
end struct_1;

entity mult_2 is
  port (s1, s0, r1, r0 : in  bit;
        t3, t2, t1, t0 : out bit);
end mult_2;
architecture structure of mult_2 is
    add1 port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
               c1, s1 : out bit);
  end component;
  signal p1, p2, p3, p4 : bit;
  t0 <= r0 and s0;                      --  элемент el_1
  p2 <= r0 and s1;                      --  элемент el_3
  p1 <= r1 and s0;                      --  элемент el_2
  p4 <= r1 and s1;                      --  элемент el_4
  circ1 : add1 port map (p1, p2, p3, t1);
  circ2 : add1 port map (p3, p4, t3, t2);
end structure;

entity Test_add1 is
end Test_add1;
architecture Behavior of test_add1 is
  component add1
    port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
          c1, s1 : out bit);
  end component;
  signal b1, b2 : bit;
  signal c1, s1 : bit;
  p1 : add1 port map (b1 => b1, b2 => b2, c1 => c1, s1 => s1);
  b2 <= '1',
        '0' after 50 ns,
        '1' after 100 ns,
        '0' after 150 ns,
        '1' after 200 ns;
  b2 <= '1',
        '1' after 50 ns,
        '1' after 100 ns,
        '0' after 150 ns,
        '0' after 200 ns,
        '1' after 250 ns;
end behavior;

entity vlsi_1 is
  port (a, b : in  integer range 0 to 3;
        x    : in  bit;
        D    : out integer range 0 to 15);
end vlsi_1;
architecture functional of vlsi_1 is
  signal e : integer range 0 to 15;
  p0 : process(a, b, x)
    if (x = '0') then
      e <= a + b;
    elsif (x = '1') then
      e <= a * b;
    end if;
  end process;
  D <= e;
end functional;

entity vlsi_1 is
  port (a2, a1, b2, b1, x : in  bit;
        d4, d3, d2, d1    : out bit);
end vlsi_1;
architecture structure of vlsi_1 is
  component adder_2                     -- декларация компонента
    port (a1, b1, a2, b2 : in  bit;
          c2, s2, s1     : out bit);
  end component;
  component mult_2                      -- декларация компонента
    port(s1, s0, r1, r0 : in  bit;
         t3, t2, t1, t0 : out bit);
  end component;
  component dd                          -- декларация компонента
    port (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 : in  bit;
          y1, y2, y3             : out bit);
  end component;
  component yy                          -- декларация компонента
    port(a2, a1, b2, b1, x       : in  bit;
          f6, f5, f4, f3, f2, f1 : out bit);
  end component;
  signal f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, t4, t3, t2, t1, c2, s2, s1 : bit;
--  декларация внутренних сигналов
  circ1 : yy
    port map (a2, a1, b2, b1, x, f6, f5, f4, f3, f2, f1);
  circ2 : mult_2
    port map (f2, f1, b2, b1, d4, t3, t2, t1);
  circ3 : adder_2
    port map (f4, f3, f6, f5, c2, s2, s1);
  circ4 : dd
    port map (s1, t1, s2, t2, c2, t3, d1, d2, d3);
end structure;

entity YY is
  port (a2, a1, b2, b1, x      : in  bit;
        f6, f5, f4, f3, f2, f1 : out bit);
end YY;
architecture struct_1 of YY is
  f1 <= x and a1;
  f2 <= x and a2;
  f3 <= not x and a1;
  f4 <= not x and a2;
  f5 <= not x and b1;
  f6 <= not x and b2;
end struct_1;


1.2. Лексические элементы и типы данных

package multiplexer is
  procedure MX(
    signal SEL : in  bit;
    signal x0  : in  bit;
    signal x1  : in  bit;
    signal F   : out bit);
end multiplexer;
package body multiplexer is
  procedure MX(
    signal SEL : in  bit;
    signal x0  : in  bit;
    signal x1  : in  bit;
    signal F   : out bit) is
    case SEL is
      when '0'    => F <= x0;
      when others => F <= x1;
    end case;
  end MX;
end multiplexer;


1.4. Интерфейс и архитектура объекта

entity ANDOR is
  port (x1, x2, x3 : in  bit;
        f          : out bit);
end ANDOR;
architecture RTL1 of ANDOR is
  f <= (x1 and x2) or x3;
end RTL1;
architecture RTL2 of ANDOR is
  signal w : bit;
  w <= x1 and x2;
  p1 : process (w, x3)
    f <= w or x3;
  end process p1;
end RTL2;


1.5. Атрибуты

entity signal_ex is
end signal_ex;
architecture beh of signal_ex is
  signal ex, y1, y3 : bit;
  signal y2         : boolean;
  ex <= '0' after 20 ns,
        '1' after 50 ns,
        '0' after 60 ns,
        '1' after 80 ns;
  y1 <= ex'transaction; y2 <= ex'event; y3 <= ex'last_value;
end beh;

entity test_attr_scalar is
end test_attr_scalar;
architecture beh of test_attr_scalar is
  type new_values is (a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, w);
  signal A, B, C, D    : new_values;
  signal H             : integer;
  signal K, L, M, N, P : new_values;
  A <= new_values'left;
  B <= new_values'right;
  C <= new_values'low;
  D <= new_values'high;
  H <= new_values'pos(b3);
  K <= new_values'val(2);
-- L <= new_values'succ(w);  -- bad
  L <= new_values'succ(b3);
  M <= new_values'pred(b2);
--  N <= new_values'leftof(a1);  -- bad
  N <= new_values'leftof(b1);
--  P <= new_values'rightof(w);  --  bad
  P <= new_values'rightof(b3);
end beh;

entity test_attr_vector is
end test_attr_vector;
architecture beh of test_attr_vector is
  type vector is array (7 downto 0) of bit;
  signal x          : vector;
  signal A, B, C, D : integer;
  signal E          : boolean;
  signal F, G, H    : integer;
  A <= vector'left;
  B <= vector'right;
  C <= vector'low;
  D <= vector'high;
  F <= vector'range;
  G <= vector'reverse_range;
  H <= vector'length; end beh;


1.8. Понятие сигнала в языке VHDL

entity ANDOR is
  port(x1, x2, x3 : in  bit;
        f         : out bit);
end ANDOR;
architecture example of ANDOR is
  signal w : bit;
  p0 : w <= x1 and x2 after 10 ns;
  p1 : process (w, x3)
    f <= w or x3 after 20 ns;
  end process p1;
end example;


1.9. Дельта-задержка

entity ANDOR is
  port(x1, x2, x3 : in  bit;
        f         : out bit);
end ANDOR;
architecture DELTA of ANDOR is
  signal w : bit;
  p0 : w <= x1 and x2;                  -- нет слова after
  p1 : process(w, x3)
    f <=w or x3;                        -- нет слова after
  end process p1;
end DELTA;


Упражнения (глава 1)

entity EXP is
end EXP;
architecture RTL of EXP is
  signal A, B, C, D, E, F : bit;
  signal X, Y, Z, S, T, R : bit;
  R <= A and B and C;
  S <= B or C or D;
  T <= A and B or D;
  Y <= C nor E nor F;
  X <= A and not B and not C;
  Z <= F nand E nand B;
end RTL;


2.1. Последовательные операторы

entity CALL_PRO is
architecture RTL of CALL_PRO is
  function bit_bool (inp_bit : in bit) return boolean is
    if (inp_bit = '1') then
      return true;
      return false;
    end if;
  end bit_bool;
  procedure left_one (
    signal DATA  : in  bit_vector (1 to 8);
    signal l_bit : out integer) is
    variable temp : integer;
    temp := 0;
    for i in 1 to 8 loop
      if (DATA(i) = '1') then
        temp := i;
      end if;
      if (temp /= 0) then exit;
      end if;
    end loop;
    l_bit <= temp;
  end left_one;
  signal DIN    : bit_vector (1 to 8);
  signal bit_1  : bit;
  signal bool_1 : boolean;
  signal DOUT   : integer;
  p0 : process (bit_1, DIN)
    bool_1 <= bit_bool(bit_1);          --  вызов функции
    LEFT_ONE(DIN, DOUT);                --  вызов процедуры
  end process;
  p1 : process
    bit_1 <= '1'        after 20 ns, '0' after 40 ns;
    DIN   <= "01010000" after 20 ns,
           "00000000" after 40 ns,
           "00001100" after 60 ns,
           "00000001" after 80 ns;
    wait for 100 ns;
  end process;
end RTL;

use work.PACK.all;
entity CASESTMT is
   port (
      MONTH    : in  month_type;
      LEAP     : in  boolean;
      DAYS     : out integer);
architecture RTL of CASESTMT is
   p0 : process (LEAP, MONTH)
      case MONTH is
         when FEB =>
            if LEAP then 
               DAYS <= 29;
               DAYS <= 28;
            end if;
         when APR | JUN | SEP | NOV =>
            DAYS <= 30;
         when JUL to AUG =>
            DAYS <= 31;
         when others =>
            DAYS <= 31;
      end case;
   end process;
end RTL;

entity IFSTMT is
  port (
    RSTn, CLK, EN, PL : in  bit;
    DATA              : in  integer range 0 to 31;
    COUNT             : out integer range 0 to 31);
architecture RTL of IFSTMT is
  signal COUNT_VALUE : integer range 0 to 31;
  p0 : process (RSTn, CLK)
    if (RSTn = '0') then
      COUNT_VALUE <= 0;
    elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
      if (PL = '1') then
        COUNT_VALUE <= DATA;
      elsif (EN = '1') then
        if (COUNT_VALUE = 31) then
          COUNT_VALUE <= 0;
          COUNT_VALUE <= COUNT_VALUE + 1;
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;
end RTL;

package PACK is
  type month_type is (JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN,
                      JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC);
end PACK;

entity VAR is
end VAR;
architecture functional of VAR is
  signal A, B, J : bit_vector(1 downto 0);
  signal E, F, G : bit;
  p0 : process (A, B, E, F, G, J)
    variable C, D, H, Y : bit_vector(1 downto 0);
    variable W, Q       : bit_vector(3 downto 0);
    variable Z          : bit_vector(0 to 7);
    variable X          : bit;
    variable DATA       : bit_vector(31 downto 0);
    C         := "11";
    X         := E and F;
    Y         := H nand J;
    Z(0 to 3) := C & D;                                       --  конкатенация
    Z(4 to 7) := (not A) & (A nor B);                         --  конкатенация
    D         := ('0', '0');                                  --  агрегат
    W         := (2 downto 1 => G, 3 => '1', others => '0');  --  агрегат
    DATA      := (others     => '1');                         --  агрегат
  end process;
end functional;


2.2. Параллельные операторы

entity add1_e is
  port (b1, b2, enable : in  bit;
        c1, s1         : out bit);
end add1_e;
architecture struct_3 of add1_e is
  p0 : block (enable = '1')
    s1 <= guarded (b1 xor b2);
    c1 <= guarded (b1 and b2);
  end block p0;
end struct_3;

entity add1 is
  port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
        c1, s1 : out bit);
end add1;
architecture struct_1 of add1 is
  s1 <= ((b1 and (not b2)) or ((not b1) and b2));
  c1 <= b1 and b2;
end struct_1;

entity add2 is
  port (c1, a1, a2 : in  bit;
        c2, s2     : out bit);
end add2;
architecture struct_1 of add2 is
  s2 <= ((not c1) and (not a1) and a2) or
        ((not c1) and a1 and (not a2)) or
        (c1 and (not a1)and (not a2)) or
        (a1 and a2 and c1);
  c2 <= (a1 and c1) or (a2 and c1) or (a1 and a2);
end struct_1;

entity adder_2p is
  port (a1, b1, a2, b2, c0 : in  bit;
        c2, s2, s1         : out bit);
end adder_2p;
architecture structural of adder_2p is
  component add2
    port(c1, a1, a2 : in  bit;
         c2, s2     : out bit);
  end component;
  signal c1 : bit;
  circ1 : add2
    port map (c1 => c0, a1 => b1, a2 => b2, c2 => c1, s2 => s1);
  circ2 : add2
    port map (c1 => c1, a1 => a1, a2 => a2, c2 => c2, s2 => s2);
end structural;

entity adder_N_block is
  port (a, b : in  bit_vector (0 to 6);
        s    : out bit_vector (0 to 6);
        c    : out bit);
end adder_N_block;
architecture structural of adder_N_block is
  component add1
    port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
          c1, s1 : out bit);
  end component;
  component adder_2p
    port(a1, b1, a2, b2, c0 : in  bit;
         c2, s2, s1         : out bit);
  end component;
  signal c_in : bit_vector (0 to 2);
  p0 : add1 port map (b1 => a(0), b2 => b(0),
                     c1  => c_in(0), s1 => s(0));
  block0 : block
    stage1 : adder_2p port map (c0 => c_in(0), a1 => a(1), b1 => b(1),
                               a2  => a(2), b2 => b(2), c2 => c_in(1), s2 => s(2), s1 => s(1));
    stage2 : adder_2p port map (c0 => c_in(1), a1 => a(3), b1 => b(3),
                               a2  => a(4), b2 => b(4), c2 => c_in(2), s2 => s(4), s1 => s(3));
  end block;
  stage3 : adder_2p port map (c0 => c_in(2), a1 => a(5), b1 => b(5),
                             a2  => a(6), b2 => b(6), c2 => c, s2 => s(6), s1 => s(5));
end structural;

entity adder_N_comp is
  port (a, b : in  bit_vector (0 to 6);
        s    : out bit_vector (0 to 6);
        c    : out bit);
end adder_N_comp;
architecture structural of adder_N_comp is
    port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
          c1, s1 : out bit);
  end component;
  component add2
    port(c1, a1, a2 : in  bit;
         c2, s2     : out bit);
  end component;
  signal c_in : bit_vector (0 to 5);
  p0 : add1
    port map (b1 => a(0), b2 => b(0), c1 => c_in(0), s1 => s(0));
  p1 : add2
    port map (c1 => c_in(0), a1 => a(1), a2 => b(1), c2 => c_in(1), s2 => s(1));
  p2 : add2
    port map (c1 => c_in(1), a1 => a(2), a2 => b(2), c2 => c_in(2), s2 => s(2));
  p3 : add2
    port map (c1 => c_in(2), a1 => a(3), a2 => b(3), c2 => c_in(3), s2 => s(3));
  p4 : add2
    port map (c1 => c_in(3), a1 => a(4), a2 => b(4), c2 => c_in(4), s2 => s(4));
  p5 : add2
    port map (c1 => c_in(4), a1 => a(5), a2 => b(5), c2 => c_in(5), s2 => s(5));
  p6 : add2
    port map (c1 => c_in(5), a1 => a(6), a2 => b(6), c2 => c, s2 => s(6));
end structural;

entity adder_N is
  generic (N : natural := 4);
  port (a, b : in  bit_vector (0 to N-1);
        s    : out bit_vector (0 to N-1);
        c    : out bit);
end adder_N;
architecture func_1 of adder_N is
  component add2
    port(c1, a1, a2 : in  bit;
         c2, s2     : out bit);
  end component;
  signal c_in : bit_vector (0 to N);
begin  -- в схеме (рис. 2.5) все одноразрядные сумматоры - add2
  c_in(0) <= '0';
  adder : for i in 0 to N-1 generate
    i_bit_slice : add2 port map (c1   => c_in(i), a1 => a(i), a2 => b(i),
                                   c2 => c_in(i+1), s2 => s(i));
  end generate adder;
  c <= c_in(N);
end func_1;

entity adder_N is
  generic (N : natural := 4);
  port (a, b : in  bit_vector (0 to N-1);
        s    : out bit_vector (0 to N-1);
        c    : out bit);
end adder_N;
architecture functional of adder_N is
    port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
          c1, s1 : out bit);
  end component;
  component add2
    port(c1, a1, a2 : in  bit;
         c2, s2     : out bit);
  end component;
  signal c_in : bit_vector (0 to N-1);
  adder : for i in 0 to N-1 generate
    first_bit : if (i = 0) generate
      first_cell :
        add1 port map (b1 => a(0), b2 => b(0),
                       c1 => c_in(0), s1 => s(0));
    end generate first_bit;
    middle_bit : if (i > 0) and (i < N-1) generate
      middle_cell :
        add2 port map (c1 => c_in(i-1), a1 => a(i), a2 => b(i),
                       c2 => c_in(i), s2 => s(i));
    end generate middle_bit;
    end_bit : if (i = N-1) generate
      end_cell :
        add2 port map (c1 => c_in(i-1), a1 => a(i), a2 => b(i),
                       c2 => c, s2 => s(i));
    end generate end_bit;
  end generate adder;
end functional;

entity call_parallel is
  port (
    data_inp : in  bit_vector(5 downto 0);
    data_out : out bit_vector(1 downto 0));
end call_parallel;
architecture RTL of call_parallel is
  procedure N_XOR (
    signal x1, x2, x3 : in  bit;
    signal f          : out bit) is
    f <= x1 xor x2 xor x3;
  end N_XOR;
  N_XOR (x1 => data_inp(5), x2 => data_inp(4), x3 => data_inp(3),
         f  => data_out(1));
  p0 : N_XOR (data_inp(2), data_inp(1), data_inp(0), data_out(0));
end RTL;

entity DFF is
  port (
    RSTn, CLK, D : in  bit;
    Q            : out bit);
end DFF;
architecture RTL of DFF is
  process (RSTn, CLK)
    if (RSTn = '0') then
      Q <= '0';
    elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
      Q <= D;
    end if;
  end process;
end RTL;

entity dlatch is
  port (D, clk, clr : in bit; Q : out bit);
end dlatch;
architecture functional of dlatch is
  P : block (clk = '1' or clr = '1')
    Q <= guarded '0' when clr = '1' else
         D when clk = '1' else
  end block P;
end functional;

entity example_condition is
  port (
    x1, x2, x3, x4 : in  bit;
    condition      : in  bit_vector(1 downto 0);
    F              : out bit);
end example_condition;
architecture first of example_condition is
  F <= x1 when condition = "00" else
       x2 when condition = "01" else
       x3 when condition = "10" else
end first;
architecture second of example_condition is
  process (x1, x2, x3, x4, condition)
    if (condition = "00") then
      F <= x1;
    elsif (condition = "01") then
      F <= x2;
    elsif (condition = "10") then
      F <= x3;
      F <= x4;
    end if;
  end process;
end second;

entity example_selection is
  port (x1, x2, x3, x4     : in  bit;
                 selection : in  bit_vector(1 downto 0);
                 F         : out bit);
end example_selection;
architecture first of example_selection is
  with selection select
    F <= x1 when "00",
    x2      when "01",
    x3      when "10",
    x4      when others;
end first;
architecture second of example_selection is
  process (x1, x2, x3, x4, selection)
    case selection is
      when "00"   => F <= x1;
      when "01"   => F <= x2;
      when "10"   => F <= x3;
      when others => F <= x4;
    end case;
  end process;
end second;

entity SHIFT is
  port (
    RSTn, CLK, SI : in  bit;
    SO            : out bit);
end SHIFT;
architecture RTL2 of SHIFT is
  component DFF
    port (
      RSTn, CLK, D : in  bit;
      Q            : out bit);
  end component;
  signal T : bit_vector(6 downto 0);
  g0 : for i in 7 downto 0 generate
    g1 : if (i = 7) generate
      bit7 : DFF
        port map (RSTn => RSTn, CLK => CLK, D => SI, Q => T(6));
    end generate;
    g2 : if (i > 0) and (i < 7) generate
      bitm : DFF
        port map (RSTn, CLK, T(i), T(i-1));
    end generate;
    g3 : if (i = 0) generate
      bit0 : DFF
        port map (RSTn, CLK, T(0), SO);
    end generate;
  end generate;
end RTL2;

entity SHIFT is
  port (
    RSTn, CLK, SI : in  bit;
    SO            : out bit);
end SHIFT;
architecture RTL3 of SHIFT is
  component DFF
    port (
      RSTn, CLK, D : in  bit;
      Q            : out bit);
  end component;
  signal T : bit_vector(8 downto 0);    --  декларация сигнала T 
  T(8) <= SI;
  SO   <= T(0);
  g0 : for i in 7 downto 0 generate
    allbit : DFF
      port map (RSTn => RSTn, CLK => CLK, D => T(i+1), Q => T(i));
  end generate;
end RTL3;

entity SHIFT is
  port (
    RSTn, CLK, SI : in  bit;
    SO            : out bit);
end SHIFT;
architecture RTL1 of SHIFT is
  component DFF
    port (
      RSTn, CLK, D : in  bit;
      Q            : out bit);
  end component;
  signal T : bit_vector(6 downto 0);
  bit7 : DFF
    port map (RSTn => RSTn, CLK => CLK, D => SI, Q => T(6));
  bit6 : DFF
    port map (RSTn, CLK, T(6), T(5));
  bit5 : DFF
    port map (RSTn, CLK, T(5), T(4));
  bit4 : DFF
    port map (CLK => CLK, RSTn => RSTn, D => T(4), Q => T(3));
  bit3 : DFF
    port map (RSTn, CLK, T(3), T(2));
  bit2 : DFF
    port map (RSTn, CLK, T(2), T(1));
  bit1 : DFF
    port map (RSTn, CLK, T(1), T(0));
  bit0 : DFF
    port map (RSTn, CLK, T(0), SO);
end RTL1;


Упражнения (глава 2)

entity IFCASE is
  port (
    HEX : in  bit_vector(3 downto 0);
    LED : out bit_vector(6 downto 0));
architecture RTL of IFCASE is
  p0 : process (HEX)
    case HEX is
      when "0000" => LED <= "1111110";
      when "0001" => LED <= "1100000";
      when "0010" => LED <= "1011011";
      when "0011" => LED <= "1110011";
      when "0100" => LED <= "1100101";
      when "0101" => LED <= "0110111";
      when "0110" => LED <= "0111111";
      when "0111" => LED <= "1100010";
      when "1000" => LED <= "1111111";
      when "1001" => LED <= "1110111";
      when "1010" => LED <= "0111001";
      when "1011" => LED <= "0111101";
      when "1100" => LED <= "0011001";
      when "1101" => LED <= "1111001";
      when "1110" => LED <= "1011111";
      when others => LED <= "0001111";
    end case;
  end process;
end RTL;

entity PROCALL_EX is
architecture RTL of PROCALL_EX is
  procedure ANDOR (
    signal A, B, C, D : in  bit_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal Y          : out bit_vector(1 downto 0)) is
    Y <= (A and B) or (C and D);
  end ANDOR; signal DIN, DOUT : bit_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal X, Y, Z              : bit_vector(1 downto 0);
  call0 : ANDOR (A => DIN(7) & DIN(6), B => DIN(5 downto 4),
                 C => DIN(3 downto 2), D => DIN(1 downto 0),
                 Y => DOUT(1 downto 0));
  call1 : ANDOR (A => DIN(7 downto 6), B => DIN(5 downto 4),
                 C => DIN(3 downto 2), D => DIN(1 downto 0),
                 Y => DOUT(3 downto 2));
  call2 : ANDOR (A => DIN(7 downto 6) and DIN(5 downto 4),
                 B => DIN(5 downto 4),
                 C => DIN(3 downto 2), D => DIN(1 downto 0),
                 Y => DOUT(5 downto 4));
  call3 : ANDOR (A => X nand Y, B => Z,
                 C => DIN(3 downto 2), D => DIN(1 downto 0),
                 Y => DOUT(7 downto 6));
end RTL;


3.4. Разрешающие функции. Пакет std_logic_1164

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
library work;
use work.wire.all;
entity circuit_wire is
  port (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 : in  std_logic;
        out_circ               : out std_logic);
end circuit_wire;
architecture structure of circuit_wire is
  component cc
    port (x1, x2 : in std_logic; y : out std_logic);
  end component;
  signal out_wire : resolved_bit;
  p1 : cc
    port map (x1 => x1, x2 => x2, y => out_wire);
  p2 : cc
    port map (x1 => x3, x2 => x4, y => out_wire);
  p3 : cc
    port map (x1 => x5, x2 => x6, y => out_wire);
  p4 : cc
    port map (x1 => out_wire, x2 => x2, y => out_circ);
end structure;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity cc is                            --  описание логического элемента И
  port (x1, x2 : in  std_logic;
        y      : out std_logic);
end cc;
architecture functional of cc is
  y <= x1 and x2;
end functional;

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
package wire is
  function RES_FUNC(DATA : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
  subtype RESOLVED_BIT is RES_FUNC std_logic;
package body wire is
  --  описание разрешающей функции
  function RES_FUNC(DATA : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
    for I in DATA'range loop
      if DATA(I) = '1' then
        return '1';
      end if;
    end loop;
    return '0';


3.6. Декларация интерфейса объекта

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity DFF is                           --  D-триггер
  generic (
    PRESET_CLRn : in integer);
  port (
    RSTn, CLK, D : in  std_logic;
    Q            : out std_logic);
end DFF;
architecture RTL of DFF is
  process (RSTn, CLK)
    if (RSTn = '0') then
      if (PRESET_CLRn = 0) then
        Q <= '0';
        Q <= '1';
      end if;
    elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
      Q <= D;
    end if;
  end process;
end RTL;

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity SHIFTN is                        --  сдвиговый регистр длины N
  generic (
    PRESET_CLRn : in integer;
    N           : in integer);
  port (
    RSTn, CLK, SI : in  std_logic;
    SO            : out std_logic);
  signal T : std_logic_vector(N downto 0);
  assert (N > 3) and (N < 33) report
    "N outside of range 3 to 32";
architecture RTL1 of SHIFTN is
  component DFF
    generic (
      PRESET_CLRn : in integer);
    port (
      RSTn, CLK, D : in  std_logic;
      Q            : out std_logic);
  end component;
  T(N) <= SI;
  SO   <= T(0);
  g0 : for i in N-1 downto 0 generate
    allbit : DFF
      generic map (PRESET_CLRn => PRESET_CLRn)
      port map (RSTn           => RSTn, CLK => CLK, D => T(i+1), Q => T(i));
  end generate;
end RTL1;


3.8. Конфигурация

entity add1 is
  port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
        c1, s1 : out bit);
end add1;
architecture struct_1 of add1 is
  s1 <= ((b1 and (not b2)) or ((not b1) and b2));
  c1 <= b1 and b2;
end struct_1;

entity add2 is
  port (c1, a1, a2 : in  bit;
        c2, s2     : out bit);
end add2;
architecture struct_1 of add2 is
  s2 <= ((not c1) and (not a1) and a2) or
        ((not c1) and a1 and (not a2)) or
        (c1 and (not a1)and (not a2)) or
        (a1 and a2 and c1);
  c2 <= (a1 and c1) or (a2 and c1) or (a1 and a2);
end struct_1;

entity adder_2 is
  port (a1, b1, a2, b2 : in  bit;
        c2, s2, s1     : out bit);
end adder_2;
architecture structure of adder_2 is
    port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
          c1, s1 : out bit);
  end component;
  component add2
    port(c1, a1, a2 : in  bit;
         c2, s2     : out bit);
  end component;
  signal c1 : bit;
  circ1 : add1
    port map (b1, b2, c1, s1);
  circ2 : add2
    port map (c1, a1, a2, c2, s2);
end structure;

entity and2 is                          -- декларация имени объекта проекта
  port (x1, x2 : in  bit;               -- декларация входных портов
        y      : out bit);              -- декларация выходного порта
end and2;
architecture functional of and2 is      -- декларация архитектуры 
  y <= x1 and x2;                       -- описание функции объекта
end functional;

configuration bird of flock is          -- bird - имя конфигурации
  for three_geese
    for one : goose
      use entity work.goose(struct_2);
    end for;
    for two : goose
      use entity work.goose(struct_1);
    end for;
    for three : goose
      use entity work.goose(struct_1);
    end for;
  end for;
end bird;

configuration example of vlsi_1 is
  for structure  --  имя архитектурного тела схемы vlsi_1
    for circ2 : mult_2
      use entity work.mult_2(structure);
      for structure
        for all : add1
          use entity work.add1(struct_2);
        end for;
      end for;
    end for;
    for circ3 : adder_2
      use entity work.adder_2(structure);
      for structure
        for all : add1
          use entity work.add1(struct_1);
        end for;
        for all : add2
          use entity work.add2(struct_1);  --  вместо struct_1 
        end for;  --  можно указать 
      end for;  --  другую архитектуру
    end for;
  end for;
end example;

entity flock is
  port (a, b : bit; c : out bit);
end flock;
architecture three_geese of flock is
  signal w, r : bit;
  component goose                       --  декларация компонента 
    port (a, b : bit; c : out bit);
  end component;
  one   : goose port map (a, b, w);
                                        --  создание экземпляра компонента 
  two   : goose port map (a, w, r);
  three : goose port map (a, r, c);
end three_geese;

entity goose is
  port (a, b : in bit; c : out bit);
end goose;
architecture struct_1 of goose is
  c <= a xor b;
end struct_1;

entity mult_2 is
  port (s1, s0, r1, r0 : in  bit;
        t3, t2, t1, t0 : out bit);
end mult_2;
architecture structure of mult_2 is
    add1 port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
               c1, s1 : out bit);
  end component;
  signal p1, p2, p3, p4 : bit;
  t0 <= r0 and s0;                      --  элемент el_1
  p2 <= r0 and s1;                      --  элемент el_3
  p1 <= r1 and s0;                      --  элемент el_2
  p4 <= r1 and s1;                      --  элемент el_4
  circ1 : add1 port map (p1, p2, p3, t1);
  circ2 : add1 port map (p3, p4, t3, t2);
end structure;

entity vlsi_1 is
  port (a2, a1, b2, b1, x : in  bit;
        d4, d3, d2, d1    : out bit);
end vlsi_1;
architecture structure of vlsi_1 is
  component adder_2                     -- декларация компонента
    port (a1, b1, a2, b2 : in  bit;
          c2, s2, s1     : out bit);
  end component;
  component mult_2                      -- декларация компонента
    port(s1, s0, r1, r0 : in  bit;
         t3, t2, t1, t0 : out bit);
  end component;
  component dd                          -- декларация компонента
    port (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 : in  bit;
          y1, y2, y3             : out bit);
  end component;
  component yy                          -- декларация компонента
    port(a2, a1, b2, b1, x       : in  bit;
          f6, f5, f4, f3, f2, f1 : out bit);
  end component;
  signal f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, t4, t3, t2, t1, c2, s2, s1 : bit;
--  декларация внутренних сигналов
  circ1 : yy
    port map (a2, a1, b2, b1, x, f6, f5, f4, f3, f2, f1);
  circ2 : mult_2
    port map (f2, f1, b2, b1, d4, t3, t2, t1);
  circ3 : adder_2
    port map (f4, f3, f6, f5, c2, s2, s1);
  circ4 : dd
    port map (s1, t1, s2, t2, c2, t3, d1, d2, d3);
end structure;

entity YY is
  port (a2, a1, b2, b1, x      : in  bit;
        f6, f5, f4, f3, f2, f1 : out bit);
end YY;
architecture struct_1 of YY is
  f1 <= x and a1;
  f2 <= x and a2;
  f3 <= not x and a1;
  f4 <= not x and a2;
  f5 <= not x and b1;
  f6 <= not x and b2;
end struct_1;


3.9. Блоки проекта и VHDL-библиотеки

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164. all;
library exemplar;
use exemplar.exemplar_1164.all;
entity shift_example is
  port (a, b   : in  std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
        x1, x2 : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)); 
end shift_example;
architecture Synt of shift_example is
  signal y, z : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
  y  <= sl (a, 3);                      -- сдвиг влево
  z  <= sr (a, 3);                      -- сдвиг вправо 
  x1 <= y and b;
  x2 <= z xor b;
end Synt;


4.1. Стили описания поведения

entity and_GATE is
  port (A, B : in  bit;
        D    : out bit);
architecture beh of and_GATE is
  D <= A and B;
end beh;

entity Decoder is
  port (X  : in  bit_vector (0 to 1);
         Y : out bit_vector (0 to 3));
end Decoder;
architecture Data_flow of Decoder is
  y(0) <= not x(0) and not x(1);
  y(1) <= not x(0) and x(1);
  y(2) <= x(0) and not x(1);
  y(3) <= x(0) and x(1);
end Data_flow;

entity Decoder is
  port (X  : in  bit_vector (0 to 1);
         Y : out bit_vector (0 to 3));
end Decoder;
architecture Mixed of Decoder is
  component Inverter port (A : in bit; B : out bit);
  end component;
  signal S                   :    bit_vector (0 to 1);
  Inv1 : Inverter port map (A => x(0), B => s(0));
  Inv2 : Inverter port map (A => x(1), B => s(1));
  p    : process (s, x)
    y(0) <= s(0) and s(1);
    y(1) <= s(0) and x(1);
    y(2) <= x(0) and s(1);
    y(3) <= x(0) and x(1);
  end process;
end Mixed;

entity Decoder is
  port (X : in  bit_vector (0 to 1);
        Y : out bit_vector (0 to 3));
end Decoder;
architecture Procedural of Decoder is
  signal s : bit_vector (0 to 3);
  process (x, s)
    case x is
      when "00" => s <= "1000";
      when "01" => s <= "0100";
      when "10" => s <= "0010";
      when "11" => s <= "0001";
    end case;
  end process;
  y <= s;
end Procedural;

entity Decoder is
  port (X  : in  bit_vector (0 to 1);
         Y : out bit_vector (0 to 3));
end Decoder;
architecture structure of Decoder is
  signal S                      :    bit_vector (0 to 1);
  component AND_Gate port (A, B : in bit; D : out bit);
  end component;
  component Inverter port (A    : in bit; B : out bit);
  end component;
  Inv1 : Inverter port map (A => x(0), B => s(0));
  Inv2 : Inverter port map (A => x(1), B => s(1));
  A1   : AND_Gate port map (A => s(0), B => s(1), D => y(0));
  A2   : AND_Gate port map (A => s(0), B => x(1), D => y(1));
  A3   : AND_Gate port map (A => x(0), B => s(1), D => y(2));
  A4   : AND_Gate port map (A => x(0), B => x(1), D => y(3));
end structure;

entity Inverter is
  port (A : in  bit;
        B : out bit);
architecture beh of Inverter is
  B <= not A;
end beh;

entity test_Decoder is
end test_Decoder;
architecture structure of test_Decoder is
  signal X : bit_vector (0 to 1);
  signal Y : bit_vector (0 to 3);
  component Decoder
    port (X        : in  bit_vector (0 to 1);
                 Y : out bit_vector (0 to 3));
  end component;
  p : Decoder port map (X, Y);
  X <= "00" after 50 ns, "01" after 100 ns,
       "10" after 150 ns, "11" after 200 ns;
end structure;


4.2. Формы описания сигналов

library work;
use work.vv_vls.all;
entity adder_2 is
  port (a1, b1, a2, b2 : in  bit;
        c2, s2, s1     : out bit);
end adder_2;
architecture functional of adder_2 is   --  функциональное описание 
--  сумматора
-- use std.vv_vls.all;
  signal aa, bb : integer range 0 to 3;
  signal cc     : integer range 0 to 7;
  signal cc_sig : bit_vector (0 to 3);
  aa     <= bin2_to_int (a1, b1);
  bb     <= bin2_to_int (a2, b2);
  cc     <= aa+bb;                      --  функция сумматора
  cc_sig <= int_to_bin4(cc);
  s1     <= cc_sig(0);                  --  формирование выходных сигналов
  s2     <= cc_sig(1);
  c2     <= cc_sig(2);
end functional;

library work;
use work.vv_vls.all;
entity mult_2 is
  port (s1, s0, r1, r0 : in  bit;
        t3, t2, t1, t0 : out bit);
end mult_2;
architecture functional of mult_2 is    --  функциональное описание
-- use std.vv_vls.all;                  --  умножителя
  signal ss, rr : integer range 0 to 3;
  signal tt     : integer range 0 to 9;
  signal tt_sig : bit_vector (0 to 3);
  ss     <= bin2_to_int(s1, s0);
  rr     <= bin2_to_int(r1, r0);
  tt     <= ss*rr;                      --  функция умножителя
  tt_sig <= int_to_bin4(tt);
  t0     <= tt_sig(0);                  --  формирование выходных сигналов
  t1     <= tt_sig(1);
  t2     <= tt_sig(2);
  t3     <= tt_sig(3);
end functional;

package vv_vls is
  function bin2_to_int (signal w2, w1 : bit)
    return integer;
  function int_to_bin4
    (signal INPUT : integer)
    return bit_vector;
end vv_vls;
package body vv_vls is
  function bin2_to_int                  --  функция преобразования битового 
    (signal w2, w1 : bit)               --  вектора в число
    return integer is
    variable sum   : integer := 0;
    if w1 = '1' then
      sum := 1;
      sum := 0;
    end if;
    if w2 = '1' then
      sum := sum+2;
      sum := sum;
    end if;
    return sum;
  end bin2_to_int;
  function int_to_bin4                  --  функция преобразования числа 
    (signal INPUT   : integer)          --  в битовый вектор 
    return bit_vector is
    variable fout   : bit_vector(0 to 3);
    variable temp_a : integer := 0;
    variable temp_b : integer := 0;
    temp_a := INPUT;
    for i in 3 downto 0 loop
      temp_b := temp_a/(2**i);
      temp_a := temp_a rem (2**i);
      if (temp_b = 1) then
        fout(i) := '1';
        fout(i) := '0';
      end if;
    end loop;
    return fout;
  end int_to_bin4;
end vv_vls;


4.3. Описание автоматов

architecture circ_feedback of some_entity is
  signal b : bit;
  function rising_edge (signal s : bit) return boolean is
    return s = '1' and s'event;
  process (clk, reset)
    if reset = '1' then
      c <= '0';
    elsif rising_edge(clk)
      c <= b;
  end if;
end process;
process (a, c)                          --   комбинационный процесс 
begin b <= a and c;
end process;
end circ_feedback;

library work;
use work.vv_vls.all;
entity FSM_A is
  port (z   : in  fsm_in_type;
        clk : in  bit;
        w   : out fsm_out_type);
end FSM_A;
architecture rtl_a of fsm_a is
  type T_state is (a1, a2, a3, a4);
  signal NEXT_state : T_state;
  signal state      : T_state;
  ns : process (state, z)
    case state is
      when a1 =>
        if (z = z1) then NEXT_state    <= a2; w <= w1;
        elsif (z = z2) then NEXT_state <= a4; w <= w5;
        end if;
      when a2 =>
        if (z = z1) then NEXT_state    <= a2; w <= w1;
        elsif (z = z2) then NEXT_state <= a3; w <= w3;
        end if;
      when a3 =>
        if (z = z1) then NEXT_state    <= a1; w <= w2;
        elsif (z = z2) then NEXT_state <= a4; w <= w4;
        end if;
      when a4 =>
        if (z = z1) then NEXT_state    <= a1; w <= w4;
        elsif (z = z2) then NEXT_state <= a3; w <= w5;
        end if;
    end case; end process;
  REG : process(clk)
    if clk = '1' then
      state <= NEXT_state;
    end if;
  end process;
end rtl_a;

entity Mealy is
  port(x : in bit_vector (4 downto 1); clk, rst : in bit;
       y :out bit_vector (6 downto 1));
end Mealy;
architecture rtl of Mealy is
  type T_state is (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
  signal NEXT_state, state : T_state;
  ns : process (state, x)
    case state is
      when a1 =>
        NEXT_state <= a2; y <= "000101";
--   код y= (y6, y5, y4, y3, y2, y1)
--   код x= (x4, x3, x2, x1)
      when a2 =>
        if ((x(1) and not x(2) and not x(3)) = '1')
        then NEXT_state <= a2; y <= "000000";
        elsif (not x(1) = '1')
        then NEXT_state <= a5; y <= "000010";
        elsif ((x(1) and not x(2) and x(3)) = '1')
        then NEXT_state <= a4; y <= "001000";
        elsif ((x(1) and x(2)) = '1')
        then NEXT_state <= a3; y <= "000110";
        end if;
      when a3 => NEXT_state <= a4; y <= "001001";
      when a4 => if (x(2) = '1')
                 then NEXT_state <= a6; y <= "010000";
                 elsif (not x(2) = '1')
                 then NEXT_state <= a1; y <= "000000";
                 end if;
      when a5 =>
        if ((x(1) and x(4)) = '1')
        then NEXT_state <= a5; y <= "000000";
        elsif (not x(4) = '1')
        then NEXT_state <= a4; y <= "001001";
        elsif ((not x(1) and x(4)) = '1')
        then NEXT_state <= a1; y <= "100000";
        end if;
      when a6 => NEXT_state <= a1; y <= "100000";
    end case;
  end process ns;
  state <= a1 when rst = '1' else
           NEXT_state when clk'event and clk = '1' else state;
end rtl;

entity Moore is
  port(x        : in bit_vector (4 downto 1);
       clk, rst : in bit;
       y        :out bit_vector (6 downto 1));
end Moore;
architecture rtl of Moore is
  type T_state is (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8);
  signal NEXT_state, state : T_state;
  ns : process (state, x)
    case state is
      when a1 => NEXT_state <= a2;
      when a2 =>
        if ((x(1) and not x(2) and not x(3)) = '1')
        then NEXT_state <= a2;
        elsif ((x(1) and x(2)) = '1')
        then NEXT_state <= a3;
        elsif ((x(1) and not x(2) and x(3)) = '1')
        then NEXT_state <= a4;
        elsif (not x(1) = '1')
        then NEXT_state <= a6;
        end if;
      when a3 => NEXT_state <= a5;
      when a4 =>
        if (not x(2) = '1') then NEXT_state <= a1;
        elsif (x(2) = '1')
        then NEXT_state                     <= a7;
        end if;
      when a5 =>
        if (not x(2) = '1') then NEXT_state <= a1;
        elsif (x(2) = '1') then NEXT_state  <= a7;
        end if;
      when a6 =>
        if (not x(4) = '1') then NEXT_state <= a5;
        elsif ((x(1) and x(4)) = '1')
        then NEXT_state                     <= a6;
        elsif ((not x(1) and x(4)) = '1')
        then NEXT_state                     <= a8;
        end if;
      when a7 => NEXT_state <= a8;
      when a8 => NEXT_state <= a1;
    end case;
  end process ns;
  y <= "000000" when state = a1 else
         "000101" when state = a2 else
         "000110" when state = a3 else
         "001000" when state = a4 else
         "001001" when state = a5 else
         "000010" when state = a6 else
         "010000" when state = a7 else
  state <= a1 when rst = '1' else
           NEXT_state when clk'event and clk = '1' else state;
end rtl;

package vv_vls is
  function bin2_to_int (signal w2, w1 : bit)
    return integer;
  function int_to_bin4
    (signal INPUT : integer)
    return bit_vector;
  type fsm_in_type is (z1, z2);
  type fsm_out_type is (w1, w2, w3, w4, w5);
end vv_vls;
package body vv_vls is
  function bin2_to_int                  --  функция преобразования битового 
    (signal w2, w1 : bit)               --  вектора в число
    return integer is
    variable sum   : integer := 0;
    if w1 = '1' then
      sum := 1;
      sum := 0;
    end if;
    if w2 = '1' then
      sum := sum+2;
      sum := sum;
    end if;
    return sum;
  end bin2_to_int;
  function int_to_bin4                  --  функция преобразования числа 
    (signal INPUT   : integer)          --  в битовый вектор 
    return bit_vector is
    variable fout   : bit_vector(0 to 3);
    variable temp_a : integer := 0;
    variable temp_b : integer := 0;
    temp_a := INPUT;
    for i in 3 downto 0 loop
      temp_b := temp_a/(2**i);
      temp_a := temp_a rem (2**i);
      if (temp_b = 1) then
        fout(i) := '1';
        fout(i) := '0';
      end if;
    end loop;
    return fout;
  end int_to_bin4;
end vv_vls;


4.4. Отладка VHDL-описаний

entity add1 is
  port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
        c1, s1 : out bit);
end add1;
architecture struct_1 of add1 is
  s1 <= ((b1 and (not b2)) or ((not b1) and b2));
  c1 <= b1 and b2;
end struct_1;

entity add2 is
  port (c1, a1, a2 : in  bit;
        c2, s2     : out bit);
end add2;
architecture struct_1 of add2 is
  s2 <= ((not c1) and (not a1) and a2) or
        ((not c1) and a1 and (not a2)) or
        (c1 and (not a1)and (not a2)) or
        (a1 and a2 and c1);
  c2 <= (a1 and c1) or (a2 and c1) or (a1 and a2);
end struct_1;

entity adder_2 is
  port (a1, b1, a2, b2 : in  bit;
        c2, s2, s1     : out bit);
end adder_2;
architecture structure of adder_2 is
    port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
          c1, s1 : out bit);
  end component;
  component add2
    port(c1, a1, a2 : in  bit;
         c2, s2     : out bit);
  end component;
  signal c1 : bit;
  circ1 : add1
    port map (b1, b2, c1, s1);
  circ2 : add2
    port map (c1, a1, a2, c2, s2);
end structure;

entity and2 is                          -- декларация имени объекта проекта
  port (x1, x2 : in  bit;               -- декларация входных портов
        y      : out bit);              -- декларация выходного порта
end and2;
architecture functional of and2 is      -- декларация архитектуры 
  y <= x1 and x2;                       -- описание функции объекта
end functional;

entity dd is
  port (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 : in  bit;
        y1, y2, y3             : out bit);
end dd;
architecture struct_1 of dd is
  y1 <= x1 or x2;
  y2 <= x3 or x4;
  y3 <= x5 or x6;
end struct_1;

entity mult_2 is
  port (s1, s0, r1, r0 : in  bit;
        t3, t2, t1, t0 : out bit);
end mult_2;
architecture structure of mult_2 is
    add1 port (b1, b2 : in  bit;
               c1, s1 : out bit);
  end component;
  signal p1, p2, p3, p4 : bit;
  t0 <= r0 and s0;                      --  элемент el_1
  p2 <= r0 and s1;                      --  элемент el_3
  p1 <= r1 and s0;                      --  элемент el_2
  p4 <= r1 and s1;                      --  элемент el_4
  circ1 : add1 port map (p1, p2, p3, t1);
  circ2 : add1 port map (p3, p4, t3, t2);
end structure;

entity test_vlsi_1 is
end test_vlsi_1;
architecture test of test_vlsi_1 is
  component vlsi_1
    port (a2, a1, b2, b1, x : in  bit;
          d4, d3, d2, d1    : out bit);
  end component;
  signal a2, a1, b2, b1, x, d4, d3, d2, d1 : bit;
  p :component vlsi_1
    port map (a2 => a2, a1 => a1, b2 => b2, b1 => b1, x => x,
              d4 => d4, d3 => d3, d2 => d2, d1 => d1);
  b2 <= '1'; b1 <= '1'; a2 <= '1'; a1 <= '0', '1' after 50 ns;
  x  <= '0', '1'                                  after 30 ns, '0' after 70 ns;
end test;

entity vlsi_1 is
  port (a2, a1, b2, b1, x : in  bit;
        d4, d3, d2, d1    : out bit);
end vlsi_1;
architecture structure of vlsi_1 is
  component adder_2                     -- декларация компонента
    port (a1, b1, a2, b2 : in  bit;
          c2, s2, s1     : out bit);
  end component;
  component mult_2                      -- декларация компонента
    port(s1, s0, r1, r0 : in  bit;
         t3, t2, t1, t0 : out bit);
  end component;
  component dd                          -- декларация компонента
    port (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 : in  bit;
          y1, y2, y3             : out bit);
  end component;
  component yy                          -- декларация компонента
    port(a2, a1, b2, b1, x       : in  bit;
          f6, f5, f4, f3, f2, f1 : out bit);
  end component;
  signal f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, t4, t3, t2, t1, c2, s2, s1 : bit;
--  декларация внутренних сигналов
  circ1 : yy
    port map (a2, a1, b2, b1, x, f6, f5, f4, f3, f2, f1);
  circ2 : mult_2
    port map (f2, f1, b2, b1, d4, t3, t2, t1);
  circ3 : adder_2
    port map (f4, f3, f6, f5, c2, s2, s1);
  circ4 : dd
    port map (s1, t1, s2, t2, c2, t3, d1, d2, d3);
end structure;

entity YY is
  port (a2, a1, b2, b1, x      : in  bit;
        f6, f5, f4, f3, f2, f1 : out bit);
end YY;
architecture struct_1 of YY is
  f1 <= x and a1;
  f2 <= x and a2;
  f3 <= not x and a1;
  f4 <= not x and a2;
  f5 <= not x and b1;
  f6 <= not x and b2;
end struct_1;


4.5. Синтезируемое подмножество языка VHDL

entity control_case is
  port (sel : in bit_vector (0 to 1); a, b, c, d : in bit; m : out bit);
end control_case;
architecture example of control_case is
  process (sel, a, b, c, d)
    case sel is
      when "00"   => m <= c;
      when "01"   => m <= a;
      when "10"   => m <= d;
      when others => m <= b;
    end case;
  end process;
end example;

entity control_if is
  port (a, b, c : boolean; m : out boolean);
end control_if;
architecture example of control_if is
  process (a, b, c)
    variable n : boolean;
    if a then n := b;
    else n      := c;
    end if;
    m           <= n;
  end process;
end example;

entity control_loop is
  port (a : bit_vector (0 to 3); m : out bit_vector (0 to 3));
end control_loop;
architecture example of control_loop is
  process (a)
    variable b : bit;
    b := '1';
    for i in 0 to 3 loop
      b    := a(3-i) and b;
      m(i) <= b;
    end loop;
  end process;
end example;

entity logical_ops_2 is
  port (a, b : in bit_vector (0 to 3); m : out bit_vector (0 to 3));
end logical_ops_2;
architecture example of logical_ops_2 is
  m <= a and b;
end example;

entity logical_ops_1 is
  port (a, b, c, d : in bit; m : out bit);
end logical_ops_1;
architecture example of logical_ops_1 is
  signal e : bit;
  m <= (a and b) or e;                  -- оператор назначения сигнала 
  e <= c xor d;
end example;

entity relational_ops_2 is
  port (a, b : in integer range 0 to 3; m : out boolean);
end relational_ops_2;
architecture example of relational_ops_2 is
  m <= a >= b;
end example;

entity relational_ops_1 is
  port (a, b : in bit_vector (0 to 3); m : out boolean);
end relational_ops_1;
architecture example of relational_ops_1 is
  m <= a = b;
end example;

entity subprograms is
  port (a : bit_vector (0 to 2); m : out bit_vector (0 to 2));
end subprograms;
architecture example of subprograms is
  function simple (w, x, y : bit)
    return bit is
    return (w and x) or y;
  process (a)
    m(0) <= simple(a(0), a(1), a(2));
    m(1) <= simple(a(2), a(0), a(1));
    m(2) <= simple(a(1), a(2), a(0));
  end process;
end example;

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity xor_var is
  port (A, B, C : in  std_logic;
        X, Y    : out std_logic);
end xor_var;
architecture example of xor_var is
  P : process (A, B, C)
    variable W : std_logic;
    W := A; X <= C xor W;
    W := B; Y <= C xor W;
  end process;
end example;


Упражнения (глава 4);

entity EX is
  port (A   : in  std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
        SEL : in  integer range 0 to 15;
        Z   : out std_ulogic);
end EX;
architecture RTL of EX is
  WHAT : process (A, SEL)
    for I in 0 to 15 loop
      if SEL = I then
        Z <= A(I);
      end if;
    end loop;
  end process WHAT;
end RTL;


Контактная информация:

Автор идеи и контента: Бибило П.Н.
Разработчики: Голанов В.А., Зарембо Д.В.
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