VHDL. Эффективное использование при проектировании цифровых систем – листинг




1. Моделирование и синтез цифровых систем с использованием языка VHDL

1.1. Системы моделирования и синтеза. Использование VHDL-пакетов
1.2. Библиотека синтеза БМК


2.1. Назначение и общая характеристика пакета
2.2. Описание средств пакета
2.3. Синтезируемость конструкций пакета

3. Пакет STD_LOGIC_1164

3.1. Назначение и общая характеристика пакета
3.2. Разрешающие функции
3.3. Многозначный логический тип
3.4. Логические операции и функции
3.5. Кодирование типов данных при синтезе
3.6. Синтезируемость конструкций пакета
3.7. Использование неопределенных состояний don’t care


4.1. Назначение и общая характеристика пакета
4.2. Функции изменения типа и размерности
4.3. Логические операции
4.4. Операции сдвига и сравнения
4.5. Арифметические операции
4.6. Синтезируемость конструкций пакета

5. Пакет EXEMPLAR_1164

5.1. Назначение и общая характеристика пакета
5.2. Использование атрибутов пакета при синтезе
5.3. Функции и процедуры пакета
5.4. Синтез схем с учетом нагрузочных способностей

6. Моделирование логических схем с использованием пакетов библиотеки VITAL

6.1. Назначение пакетов библиотеки VITAL
6.2. Создание VITAL-библиотеки синтеза
6.3. Синтез логической схемы
6.4. Моделирование логической схемы


7.1. Назначение пакетов
7.2. Типы и процедуры пакетов
7.3. Использование средств пакетов при моделировании

8. Использование VHDL-пакетов в маршруте проектирования БМК

8.1. Пример проектирования арифметико-логического устройства
8.2. Комбинированные маршруты проектирования
8.3. Результаты экспериментов

Список литературы

Приложение 1. Описание библиотеки bmk_little для программы lGen

Приложение 2. VHDL-описания элементов библиотеки bmk_little
1.Файл bmk.vhd, содержащий описания элементов с ненулевыми задержками
2.Файл bmk_pack.vhd, содержащий декларации элементов библиотеки bmk_little
Приложение 3. VITAL-библиотека bmk_little
Файл bmk_VITAL.vhd
Файл bmk_Vcomponents
Файл bmk_Vtables.vhd
Приложение 4. Моделирование схемы АЛУ
1.Структурное описание (netlist) синтезированной схемы alu (файл alu_syn.vhd)
2.SDF-файл синтезированной схемы (alu_syn.sdf)
3.RTL-описание схемы alu после команды unmap (файл alu_RTL.vhd)


1. Моделирование и синтез цифровых систем с использованием языка VHDL

1.1. Системы моделирования и синтеза. Использование VHDL-пакетов
Листинг 1.1.Пакет wire

package wire is
  function RES_FUNC(DATA: in bit_vector) return bit;
  subtype RESOLVED_BIT is RES_FUNC bit;
package body wire is
  function RES_FUNC(DATA: in bit_vector) return bit is
    for I in DATA'range loop
      if DATA(I) = '1' then return '1';
      end if;
    end loop;
    return '0';

1.2. Библиотека синтеза БМК
Листинг 1.2. Описание инвертора для программы lGen

AREA = 2;
  LIN = 0.022;
    PROP = (0.160,0.135);
    DRIVE = (2.378,2.009);););
OUTPUT Y (LMAX = 0.3552;);



3. Пакет STD_LOGIC_1164

3.2. Разрешающие функции
Листинг 3.1.VHDL-описание логической схемы (рис.3.1) с использованием типов bit,resolved_bit

library WORK;
use WORK.wire.all;
entity circuit_wire is
  port (
    x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 : in  bit;
    out_circ               : out bit);
end circuit_wire;
architecture structure of circuit_wire is
  component cc
    port (
      x1, x2 : in  bit;
      y      : out bit);
  end component;
  signal out_wire : RESOLVED_BIT;
  p1 : cc port map
    (x1 => x1, x2 => x2, y => out_wire);
  p2 : cc port map
    (x1 => x3, x2 => x4, y => out_wire);
  p3 : cc port map
    (x1 => x5, x2 => x6, y => out_wire);
  p4 : cc port map
    (x1 => out_wire, x2 => x2, y => out_circ);


Листинг 3.2.VHDL-описание элемента cc.

entity cc is
  port (x1, x2 : in  bit;
         y     : out bit);
end cc;
architecture functional of cc is
  y <= x1 and x2;
end functional;


Листинг 3.3.VHDL-модель секвенциального автомата SEKV

USE work.wire.all;
	PORT (CLK, rst, x1, x2 : in bit;
		y1, y2 : out RESOLVED_BIT );
SIGNAL  z0, z1, z2, z3, z4: RESOLVED_BIT := '1';
SIGNAL  n_z0, n_z1, n_z2, n_z3, n_z4 : RESOLVED_BIT;	SIGNAL n_y1, n_y2 : resolved_bit ;
p1: PROCESS (x1, x2, z0, z1, z2, z3, z4)
n_z0 <= z0;  n_z1 <= z1; n_z2 <= z2; n_z3 <= z3;
n_z4 <= z4; n_y1 <= '0'; n_y2 <= '0';
if ( not x1 and x2 and z0 and z1) = '1' then
                                           -- строка 1
n_z0 <= '0'; n_z4 <= '0'; n_y1 <= '1'; n_y2 <= '0';
end if;
if (not x2 and not z0 and z1 and not z4)='1' then
                                           -- строка 2
n_z1 <= '0';n_z2 <= '0';
end if;
if (x2 and z0 and  not z1 and not z2) ='1' then
                                           -- строка 3
n_z2 <= '1';
end if;
if (not x1 and not z1 and not z4) = '1' then
                                           -- строка 4
n_z3 <= '0'; n_z4 <= '1'; n_y1 <= '0';
end if;
if (x1 and not z1 and not z4 )='1'  then
                                           -- строка 5
n_z3 <= '1'; n_z4 <= '1'; n_y2 <= '1';
end if;
if (not x2 and  not z1 and not z3  and z4) = '1' then
                                           -- строка 6
n_z3 <= '1';
end if;
if (z0 and not z1 and z2 and z3 and  z4 ) = '1' then
                                           -- строка 7
n_z0 <= '0'; n_z1 <= '1'; n_y2 <= '0';
end if;
if (x1 and not z0 and  z1 and z4) = '1' then
                                           -- строка 8
n_z0 <= '1';
end if;
if (not z0 and not z1) = '1' then
                                           -- строка 9
n_z0 <= '1'; n_z2 <= '0';  n_y1 <= '0';
end if;
p2: PROCESS (CLK, rst)
if (rst = '1') then
y1 <= '0'; y2 <= '0';      -- нач установка
z0 <= '1'; z1 <= '1'; z2 <= '1'; z3 <= '1'; z4 <= '1';
	elsif (rst ='0' ) then
            if ( CLK='1' AND CLK'event) THEN
  y1 <= n_y1; y2 <= n_y2;
  z0 <= n_z0; z1 <= n_z1; z2 <= n_z2; z3 <= n_z3;
 z4 <= n_z4;
            end if;
end if;



3.3.Многозначный логический тип
Листинг 3.4.Назначение сигнала FlagC из двух источников

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity test_flag is
architecture beh of test_flag is
  signal FlagC : std_logic := 'Z';
  signal Carry : boolean;
  ALU : process (carry)
    if Carry then FlagC <= '1';
    end if;
  end process ALU;
  Comm : process (Carry)
    FlagC <= 'Z';
  end process Comm;
  Carry <= true,
           false after 100 ns,
           true  after 200 ns;
end beh;


Листинг 3.5.Описание схемы (рис.3.1) с использованием типа std_logic

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity circuit_wire is
  port (
    x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 : in  std_logic;
    out_circ               : out std_logic);
end circuit_wire;
architecture structure of circuit_wire is
  component cc
    port (
      x1, x2 : in  std_logic;
      y      : out std_logic);
  end component;
  signal out_wire : std_logic;
  p1 : cc port map
    (x1 => x1, x2 => x2, y => out_wire);
  p2 : cc port map
    (x1 => x3, x2 => x4, y => out_wire);
  p3 : cc port map
    (x1 => x5, x2 => x6, y => out_wire);
  p4 : cc port map
    (x1 => out_wire, x2 => x2, y => out_circ);
end structure;
-- описание логического элемента И
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity cc is
  port (    x1, x2 : in  std_logic;
            y      : out std_logic);
end cc;
architecture functional of cc is
  y <= x1 and x2;
end functional;


Листинг 3.6.Описание схемы (рис.3.1) с использованием собственной разрешающей функции для типа std_logic

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
package wire is
  function RES_FUNC(DATA : in std_logic_vector)
    return std_logic;
  subtype RESOLVED_STD is RES_FUNC std_logic;
package body wire is
  function RES_FUNC(DATA : in std_logic_vector)
    return std_logic is
    for I in DATA'range loop
      if DATA(I) = '1' then
        return '1';
      end if;
    end loop;
    return '0';


3.6.Синтезируемость конструкций пакета
Листинг 3.7.Моделирование логической операции and

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity example_std is
  port(x1 : in  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       y1 : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0));
end example_std;
architecture str of example_std is
  constant w1 : std_logic_vector :=
    ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-');
  y1 <= x1 and w1;
end str;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity test_example_std is
architecture beh of test_example_std is
  component example_std
    port(x1 : in  std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
         y1 : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0));
  end component;
  signal x1, y1 : std_logic_vector (8 downto 0);
  p0 : example_std port map (x1, y1);
  x1 <=
   ('X','X','X','X','X','X','X','X','X') after  50 ns,
   ('0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0') after 100 ns,
   ('1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1') after 150 ns,
   ('Z','Z','Z','Z','Z','Z','Z','Z','Z') after 200 ns,
   ('W','W','W','W','W','W','W','W','W') after 250 ns,
   ('L','L','L','L','L','L','L','L','L') after 300 ns,
   ('H','H','H','H','H','H','H','H','H') after 350 ns,
   ('-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-') after 400 ns;
end beh;


Листинг 3.8.VHDL-описание схемы (рис.3.7)

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity example_std is
  port (
    x1 : in  std_logic_vector (8 downto 0);
    y1 : out std_logic_vector (8 downto 0)) ;
end example_std;
architecture str of example_std is
  signal y1_0_EXMPLR : std_logic;
component GND    port( Y: out std_logic );
end component;
  y1(8) <= y1_0_EXMPLR;
  y1(7) <= y1_0_EXMPLR;
  y1(6) <= y1_0_EXMPLR;
  y1(5) <= x1(5);
  y1(4) <= y1_0_EXMPLR;
  y1(3) <= y1_0_EXMPLR;
  y1(2) <= y1_0_EXMPLR;
  y1(1) <= x1(1);
  y1(0) <= y1_0_EXMPLR;
  ix46 : GND port map (Y => y1_0_EXMPLR);
end str;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity GND is
   port( Y: out std_logic );
architecture beh of GND is
  Y<= '0';
end beh;


Листинг 3.9.Пример

package my is
  type my_logic is ('1', '0', 'X', 'U');
end my;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.my.all;
entity dec is
    port (
    x1 : in  std_logic;
    x2 : in  my_logic;
    y1 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    y2 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0));
end dec;
architecture beh of dec is
  y1 <=
    "000" when x1 = '0' else
    "101" when x1 = '1' else
    "010" when x1 = 'X' else
  y2 <=
    "000" when x2 = '0' else
    "101" when x2 = '1' else
    "010" when x2 = 'X' else
end beh;


3.7.Использование неопределенных состояний don’t care

Листинг 3.11.VHDL-модель частичной функции

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity chast_one_f is
  port (x1, x2, x3 : in  std_logic;
        F          : out std_logic);
architecture BEHAVIOR of chast_one_f is
  process (x1, x2, x3)
    variable y  : std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
    variable f1 : std_logic;
    y := x1 &amp; x2 &amp; x3;
    case y is
      when "010"  => f1 := '0';
      when "100"  => f1 := '0';
      when "011"  => f1 := '1';
      when "101"  => f1 := '1';
      when others => f1 := '-';
    end case;
    F <= f1;
  end process;


Листинг 3.12.VHDL-описание подсистемы sum_sc (вариант 1)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity sum_sc is
  port (a, b : in  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        s    : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0));
architecture BEHAVIOR of sum_sc is
  process (a, b)
    variable y    : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    variable s_pr : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    y := a &amp; b;
    case y is
      when "0000" => s_pr := "000";
      when "0001" => s_pr := "001";
      when "0010" => s_pr := "010";
      when "0100" => s_pr := "001";
      when "0101" => s_pr := "010";
      when "0110" => s_pr := "011";
      when "1000" => s_pr := "010";
      when "1001" => s_pr := "011";
      when "1010" => s_pr := "100";
      when others => s_pr := "---";
    end case;
    s <= s_pr;
  end process;


Листинг 3.13.VHDL-описание подсхемы sum_sc (вариант 2)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity sum_sc is
  port (a, b : in  std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
        s    : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0));
architecture BEHAVIOR of sum_sc is
  s <=
    "000" when a &amp; b = "0000" else
    "001" when a &amp; b = "0001" else
    "010" when a &amp; b = "0010" else
    "001" when a &amp; b = "0100" else
    "010" when a &amp; b = "0101" else
    "011" when a &amp; b = "0110" else
    "010" when a &amp; b = "1000" else
    "011" when a &amp; b = "1001" else
    "100" when a &amp; b = "1010" else


Листинг 3.14.VHDL-описание подсхемы umn_sc

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity umn_sc is
  port (a, b : in  std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
        u    : out std_logic_vector (4 downto 0));
architecture BEHAVIOR of umn_sc is
  process (a, b)
    variable y    : std_logic_vector (5 downto 0);
    variable u_pr : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
    y := a &amp; b;
    case y is
      when "000000" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "000001" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "000010" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "000011" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "000100" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "001000" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "001001" => u_pr := "00001";
      when "001010" => u_pr := "00010";
      when "001011" => u_pr := "00011";
      when "001100" => u_pr := "00100";
      when "010000" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "010001" => u_pr := "00010";
      when "010010" => u_pr := "00100";
      when "010011" => u_pr := "00110";
      when "010100" => u_pr := "01000";
      when "011000" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "011001" => u_pr := "00011";
      when "011010" => u_pr := "00110";
      when "011011" => u_pr := "01001";
      when "011100" => u_pr := "10100";
      when "100000" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "100001" => u_pr := "00100";
      when "100010" => u_pr := "01000";
      when "100011" => u_pr := "10100";
      when "100100" => u_pr := "10000";
      when others => u_pr := "-----";
    end case;
    u <= u_pr;
  end process;


Листинг 3.15.VHDL-описание схемы circ_chast (соединение трех подсхем)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity circ_chast is
  generic (
    byte : natural := 2);
  port (
   a1,a2,a3,a4 : in std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0);
   y         : out std_logic_vector(2*byte downto 0));
end circ_chast;
architecture beh of circ_chast is
  component sum_sc
    port (a, b : in  std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
          s    : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0));
  end component;
  component umn_sc
    port (a, b : in  std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
          u    : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0));
  end component;
  signal s1, s2 : std_logic_vector(byte downto 0);
  p1 : sum_sc port map (a => a1, b => a2, s => s1);
  p2 : sum_sc port map (a => a3, b => a4, s => s2);
  p3 : umn_sc port map (a => s1, b => s2, u => y);
end beh;


Листинг 3.16.Алгоритмическое описание circ_f

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity circ_f is
  generic (byte : natural := 2);
  port (
   a1,a2,a3,a4 : in std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0);
   y : out std_logic_vector(2*byte downto 0));
end circ_f;
architecture beh of circ_f is
  signal s1_int, s2_int : integer range 0 to 3;
  signal s3_int, s4_int : integer range 0 to 3;
  signal y_int          : integer range 0 to 49;
  s1_int <= to_integer (unsigned (a1));
  s2_int <= to_integer (unsigned (a2));
  s3_int <= to_integer (unsigned (a3));
  s4_int <= to_integer (unsigned (a4));
  y_int  <= (s1_int + s2_int) * (s3_int + s4_int);
  y      <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(y_int, 5));
end beh;


Листинг 3.17.Алгоритмическое описание circ_full

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity circ_full is
  generic (byte : natural := 2);
  port (
   a1,a2,a3,a4 : in std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0);
   y : out std_logic_vector(2*byte+1 downto 0));
end circ_full;
architecture beh of circ_full is
  y <= std_logic_vector(
    (unsigned('0' &amp; a1)+unsigned(a2)) *
    (unsigned('0' &amp; a3)+unsigned(a4)) );
end beh;


Листинг 3.18.Алгоритмическое описание circ_integ.Использование типа integer для входных, выходных портов

entity circ_integ is
  port (
    a1, a2, a3, a4 : in  integer range 0 to 2;
    y              : out integer range 0 to 16);
end circ_integ;
architecture beh of circ_integ is
  y <= (a1 + a2) * (a3 + a4);
end beh;


Листинг 3.19.VHDL-описание chast поведения схемы (рис.3.9) в виде одной системы частичных функций

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity chast is
  port (
    a1,a2,a3,a4 : in  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    y           : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0));
architecture BEHAVIOR of chast is
  process (a1, a2, a3, a4)
    variable y1   : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
    variable u_pr : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
    y1 := a1 &amp; a2 &amp; a3 &amp; a4;
    case y1 is
      when "00000000" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "00000001" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "00000010" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "00000011" => u_pr := "-----";
      when "00000100" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "00000101" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "00000110" => u_pr := "00000";
                             -- (0 + 0) * (1 + 2) = 0
      when "00000111" => u_pr := "-----";
                             -- (0 + 0) * (1 + 3)
                             -- результат не определен
      when "00001000" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "00001001" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "00001010" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "00001011" => u_pr := "-----";
      when "00001100" => u_pr := "-----";
      when "00001101" => u_pr := "-----";
      when "00001110" => u_pr := "-----";
      when "00001111" => u_pr := "-----";
      when "00010000" => u_pr := "00000";
      when "00010001" => u_pr := "00001";
                             -- (0 + 1) * (0 + 1) = 1
-- пропущены случаи от "00010010" до "10101000"
      when "10101001" => u_pr := "01100";
      when "10101010" => u_pr := "10000";
      when others => u_pr := "-----";
    end case;
    y <= u_pr;
  end process;



4.6.Синтезируемость конструкций пакета
Листинг 4.1.VHDL-описание двоичного счетчика count без использования пакета NUMERIC_STD

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity count is
  generic (
    byte : NATURAL := 4);
  port (
   rst : in  STD_LOGIC;
   clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
   d   : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(byte-1
downto 0));
end count;
architecture beh_std of count is
  signal d_i,d_t : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(byte-1 downto 0);
  p1: process (clk, rst)
    if rst = '1' then
      d_t <= (others => '0');
  clk'event and clk='1' then
      d_t <= d_i;
    end if;
  end process p1;
  d_i <=
   "0000" when d_t = "1111" else
   "0001" when d_t = "0000" else
   "0010" when d_t = "0001" else
   "0011" when d_t = "0010" else
   "0100" when d_t = "0011" else
   "0101" when d_t = "0100" else
   "0110" when d_t = "0101" else
   "0111" when d_t = "0110" else
   "1000" when d_t = "0111" else
   "1001" when d_t = "1000" else
   "1010" when d_t = "1001" else
   "1011" when d_t = "1010" else
   "1100" when d_t = "1011" else
   "1101" when d_t = "1100" else
   "1110" when d_t = "1101" else
   "1111" when d_t = "1110" else
 d <= d_t;
end beh_std;

Листинг 4.2.VHDL-описание двоичного счетчика count с использованием пакета NUMERIC_STD

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity count is
  generic ( byte : NATURAL := 4);
  port (    rst : in  STD_LOGIC;
    clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
    d   : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(byte-1 downto 0));
end count;
architecture beh of count is
  signal d_i : UNSIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
  p1: process (clk, rst)
    if rst = '1' then
      d_i <= (others => '0');
  clk'event and clk='1' then
      d_i <= d_i + 1;
    end if;
  end process p1;
  d <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(d_i);
end beh;

Листинг 4.3.Алгоритмическое описание умножителя mult

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity mult is
  generic (byte : NATURAL := 4);
  port ( a : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(byte-1 downto 0);
         b : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(byte-1 downto 0);
         y : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2*byte-1 downto 0));
end mult;
architecture beh of mult is
end beh;

Листинг 4.4.Алгоритмическое описание сумматора add

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity add is
  generic ( byte : NATURAL := 4);
  port ( a : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(byte-1 downto 0);
         b : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(byte-1 downto 0);
         y : out NATURAL range 0 to (2**byte)-1);
end add;
architecture beh of add is
end beh;

Листинг 4.5.Алгоритмическое описание мультиплексора MUX

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity mux is
  generic ( byte : NATURAL := 4);
  port ( a : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2*byte-1 downto 0);
         b : in  NATURAL range 0 to 2**byte-1;
         ё : in  STD_LOGIC;
         y : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2*byte-1 downto 0));
end mux;
architecture beh of mux is
y <= a when ё = '0' else
end beh;

Листинг 4.6.Алгоритмическое описание VHDL-проекта convert

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity convert is
  port ( a_i : in  INTEGER;
         b_u : in  UNSIGNED(3 downto 0);
         e_s : in  SIGNED(1 downto 0);
         c_s : out SIGNED(3 downto 0);
         d_n : out NATURAL range 0 to 255;
         f_s : out SIGNED(1 downto 0));
end convert;
architecture beh of convert is
  c_s <= TO_SIGNED(a_i,4);
  d_n <= TO_INTEGER(b_u);
  f_s <= TO_01(e_s);
end beh;

Листинг 4.7.Структурное VHDL-описание логической схемы, реализующей VHDL-проект convert

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity convert is
  port ( a_i : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0) ;
         b_u : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0) ;
         e_s : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0) ;
         c_s : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 DOWNTO 0) ;
         d_n : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0) ;
         f_s : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 DOWNTO 0)) ;
end convert ;
architecture beh of convert is
   signal d_n_7_EXMPLR: STD_LOGIC ;
component GND    port( Y: out std_logic );
end component;
   c_s(3) <= a_i(3) ;
   c_s(2) <= a_i(2) ;
   c_s(1) <= a_i(1) ;
   c_s(0) <= a_i(0) ;
   d_n(7) <= d_n_7_EXMPLR ;
   d_n(6) <= d_n_7_EXMPLR ;
   d_n(5) <= d_n_7_EXMPLR ;
   d_n(4) <= d_n_7_EXMPLR ;
   d_n(3) <= b_u(3) ;
   d_n(2) <= b_u(2) ;
   d_n(1) <= b_u(1) ;
   d_n(0) <= b_u(0) ;
   f_s(1) <= e_s(1) ;
   f_s(0) <= e_s(0) ;
   ix22 : GND port map ( Y=>d_n_7_EXMPLR);
end beh ;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity GND is
   port( Y: out std_logic );
architecture beh of GND is
  Y<= '0';
end beh;

Листинг 4.8.Алгоритмическое описание VHDL-проекта to01_syn

library ieee;
use ieee.NUMERIC_STD.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity to01_syn is
  generic ( byte : NATURAL := 4);
  port ( a_s  : in  SIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
         b_u  : in  UNSIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
         c_s  : in  SIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
         d_u  : in  UNSIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
         ya_s : out SIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
         yb_u : out UNSIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
         yc_s : out SIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
         yd_u : out UNSIGNED(byte-1 downto 0) );
end to01_syn;
architecture beh of to01_syn is
  ya_s <= TO_01(a_s);
  yb_u <= TO_01(b_u);
  yc_s <= TO_01(c_s, '0');
  yd_u <= TO_01(d_u, 'X');
end beh;

Листинг 4.9.Алгоритмическое описание VHDL-проекта resize_syn

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity resize_syn is
  generic ( byte1 : NATURAL := 3;
            byte2 : NATURAL := 5);
  port ( a_s  : in  SIGNED(byte1-1 downto 0);
         b_u  : in  UNSIGNED(byte1-1 downto 0);
         ya_s : out SIGNED(byte2-1 downto 0);
         yb_u : out UNSIGNED(byte2-1 downto 0));
end resize_syn;
architecture beh of resize_syn is
  ya_s <= RESIZE(a_s, byte2);
  yb_u <= RESIZE(b_u, byte2);
  end beh;

Листинг 4.10.Алгоритмическое описание VHDL-проекта resize_syn_m

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity resize_syn_m is
  generic ( byte1 : NATURAL := 5;
            byte2 : NATURAL := 3);
  port ( a_s  : in  SIGNED(byte1-1 downto 0);
         b_u  : in  UNSIGNED(byte1-1 downto 0);
         ya_s : out SIGNED(byte2-1 downto 0);
         yb_u : out UNSIGNED(byte2-1 downto 0));
end resize_syn_m;
architecture beh of resize_syn_m is
  ya_s <= RESIZE(a_s, byte2);
  yb_u <= RESIZE(b_u, byte2);
  end beh;

Листинг 4.11.Алгоритмическое описание проекта logic

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity logic is
  port ( a : in  UNSIGNED(2 downto 0);
         y : out STD_LOGIC);
end logic;
architecture beh of logic is
 y<=(a(0) and a(1))or(a(1) and a(2))or(a(0) and a(2));
end beh;

Листинг 4.12.Алгоритмическое описание схемы shift_fun сдвига вправо

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity shift_fun is
  generic ( byte : NATURAL := 5);
  port ( a_s : in  SIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
         y_s : out SIGNED(byte-1 downto 0));
end shift_fun;
architecture beh of shift_fun is
  y_s <= SHIFT_RIGHT(a_s, 1);
end beh;

Листинг 4.13.Алгоритмическое описание проекта comp

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity comp is
  port ( a_s : in  SIGNED(1 downto 0);
         b_i : in  INTEGER range -2 to 1;
         a_u : in  UNSIGNED(1 downto 0);
         b_n : in  NATURAL range 0 to 3;
         c1  : out STD_LOGIC;
         c2  : out STD_LOGIC);
end comp;
architecture beh of comp is
  c1 <= '1' when a_s < b_i else  '0';
  c2 <= '1' when a_u < b_n else  '0';
end beh;

Листинг 4.14.Алгоритмическое описание проекта add_syn

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity add_syn is
  generic ( byte : NATURAL := 35);
  port ( a_s  : in  SIGNED  (byte-1 downto 0);
         b_s  : in  SIGNED  (byte-1 downto 0);
         a_u  : in  UNSIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
         b_u  : in  UNSIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
         c_s  : out SIGNED  (byte downto 0);
         c_u  : out UNSIGNED(byte downto 0));
end add_syn;
architecture beh of add_syn is
  c_s <= a_s + (b_s(byte-1) &amp; b_s);
  c_u <= a_u + ('0' &amp; b_u);
end beh;

Листинг 4.15.Алгоритмическое описание проекта div_syn

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity div_syn is
  generic ( byte : NATURAL := 6);
  port ( a_s  : in  SIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
         c_s  : out SIGNED(byte-1 downto 0));
end div_syn;
architecture beh of div_syn is
  c_s <= a_s / 4;
end beh;

Листинг 4.16.Алгоритмическое описание проекта rem_syn

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity rem_syn is
  generic ( byte :     NATURAL := 6);
  port    ( a_s  : in  SIGNED(byte-1 downto 0);
            c_s  : out SIGNED(byte-1 downto 0));
end rem_syn;
architecture beh of rem_syn is
  c_s <= a_s rem 4;
end beh;


5.Пакет EXEMPLAR_1164

5.2.Использование атрибутов пакета при синтезе

Листинг 5.1. VHDL-код автомата Мура

library exemplar, ieee;
use exemplar.exemplar_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity Moore is
  port(x   : in  std_logic_vector(4 downto 1);
       clk : in  std_logic;
       y   : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 1));
end Moore;
architecture beh of Moore is
  type T_state is (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8);
-- способ кодировани$ "собственный"
--  attribute TYPE_ENCODING of T_state : type is
--  ("0101", "0100", "0010","1000", "0001", "1100",
--   "0110", "0011");
-- способ кодировани$ "Gray"
--  attribute TYPE_ENCODING_STYLE of T_state : type is
--  Gray;
-- способ кодировани$ "Random"
--  attribute TYPE_ENCODING_STYLE of T_state : type is
--  Random;
-- способ кодировани$ "Binary"
attribute TYPE_ENCODING_STYLE of T_state : type is
-- способ кодировани$ "Onehot"
--  attribute TYPE_ENCODING_STYLE of T_state : type is
--  Onehot;
-- способ кодировани$ "Twohot"
--  attribute TYPE_ENCODING_STYLE of T_state : type is
--  Twohot;
  signal NEXT_state, state : T_state;
  NEXT_state <=
    a2 when state = a1                else
    a6 when state = a2 and x(1) = '0' else
    a3 when state = a2 and x(2) = '1' else
    a4 when state = a2 and x(3) = '1' else
    a5 when state = a3                else
    a1 when state = a4 and x(2) = '0' else
    a7 when state = a4                else
    a1 when state = a5 and x(2) = '0' else
    a7 when state = a5                else
    a5 when state = a6 and x(4) = '0' else
    a8 when state = a6 and x(1) = '0' else
    a8 when state = a7                else
    a1 when state = a8                else state;
  y <= "000000" when state = a1 else
       "000101" when state = a2 else
       "000110" when state = a3 else
       "001000" when state = a4 else
       "001001" when state = a5 else
       "000010" when state = a6 else
       "010000" when state = a7 else
  state <=
    NEXT_state when clk'event and clk = '1' else
end beh;

Листинг 5.2.Пример задания атрибута noopt

entity resinthesis is
  port(x1, x2, x3, clk : in  bit;
       y               : out bit);
end resinthesis;
architecture beh of resinthesis is
  component dlatch
    port(d, clk : in  bit;
         q      : out bit);
  end component;
  attribute noopt : boolean;
  attribute noopt of dlatch : component is true;
-- attribute preserve_signal : boolean;
-- attribute preserve_signal of w2 : signal is TRUE;
  signal w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, f : bit;
  w1 <= (not x1 and x2) or (x1 and not x2);
  w2 <= (not x3 and w1) or (x3 and not w1);
  w3 <= not w2;
  w4 <= w3 and x1;
  w5 <= w2 and x3;
  f  <= w4 or w5;
  p0 : dlatch port map (d => f, clk => clk, q => y);
end beh;

Листинг 5.3.Пример задания атрибута preserv_signal

process (x1, x2, x3)
  variable w1, w2, w3, w4, w5 : bit;
  attribute preserve_signal : boolean;
  attribute preserve_signal of w1 : variable is true;
  w1 := (not x1 and x2) or (x1 and not x2);
  w2 := (not x3 and w1) or (x3 and not w1);
  w3 := not w2;
  w4 := w3 and x1;
  w5 := w2 and x3;
  f  <= w4 or w5;
end process;

5.3.Функции и процедуры пакета

Листинг 5.7.Пример использования функции lb2bool

library ieee, exemplar;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use exemplar.exemplar_1164.all;
entity elbit2bool is
end elbit2bool;
architecture beh of elbit2bool is
 signal x : std_ulogic;
 signal s :std_ulogic_vector(8 downto 0):="UX01ZWLH-";
 signal i : natural range 0 to 8        := 0;
 signal y : boolean                     := true;
 i <=    0   after 10 ns when i = 8 else
         i+1 after 10 ns;
 x <= s(i);
 y <= elb2bool(x);
end beh;

Листинг 5.8.Пример использования функции lb2int

library ieee, exemplar;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use exemplar.exemplar_1164.all;
entity elbit2int is
end elbit2int;
architecture beh of elbit2int is
 signal x: std_ulogic;
 signal s: std_ulogic_vector(8 downto 0):="UX01ZWLH-";
 signal i: natural range 0 to 8 := 8;
 signal y: integer;
  i <= 8   after 10 ns when i=0 else
       i-1 after 10 ns;
  x <= s(i);
  y <= elb2int(x);
end beh;

Листинг 5.9.Пример использования процедур pullup,pulldn и trstmem

library ieee, exemplar;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use exemplar.exemplar_1164.all;
entity fpullup is
  port (
    x1, x2, x3 : in     std_logic;
    y1, y2, y3 : buffer std_logic);
end fpullup;
architecture beh of fpullup is
begin  -- beh
  y1 <= x1;
  y2 <= x2;
  y3 <= x3;
end beh;

Листинг 5.10.Алгоритмическое описание схемы tree (файл ext01.vhd)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity tree is
  generic ( byte : natural := 3);
  port (
    a : in  std_logic;
    b : in  std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0);
    y : out std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0));
end tree;
architecture beh of tree is
  signal sig : std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0);
  sig <= (others => (not a));
  y <= sig and b;
end beh;

Листинг 5.11.Скриптовый файл exp01.tcl

# Сброс установок
# Чтение VHDL-файла exp01.vhd
read -design tree exp01.vhd ;
# Чтение библиотеки синтеза
load_library bmk_little.syn;
# Синтез схемы
optimize -target bmk_little -macro -area 
  -effort standard -hierarchy flatten
# Выдача отчета о сложности схемы
report_area -cell_usage
# Выдача отчета о задержке схемы
report_delay -num_paths 1 -critical_paths
# Сохранение нетлиста в формате VHDL
write exp01_syn.vhd;

Листинг 5.13.Скриптовый файл (exp02.tcl)

read -design tree exp01.vhd ;
load_library bmk_little.syn;
# Установка атрибута для сигнала y(0)
set_attribute .work.tree.beh.y(0) -name 
  REQUIRED_TIME -value "2.50" -port
# Установка атрибута для сигнала y(1)
set_attribute .work.tree.beh.y(1) -name 
  REQUIRED_TIME -value "2.50" -port
# Установка атрибута для сигнала y(2)
set_attribute .work.tree.beh.y(2) -name 
  REQUIRED_TIME -value "2.50" -port
# Установка параметра требуемой задержки для
# всей схемы в целом
set input2output 2.9
optimize -target bmk_little -macro -area 
  -effort standard -hierarchy flatten
report_area -cell_usage
report_delay -num_paths 1 -critical_paths
write exp02_syn.vhd;

Листинг 5.15.Скриптовый файл exp03.tcl

read -design tree exp03.vhd ;
load_library bmk_little.syn;
# Установка параметра требуемой задержки 5 нс
# для всей схемы в целом
set input2output 5.00
optimize -target bmk_little -macro -area 
  -effort standard -hierarchy flatten
report_area -cell_usage
report_delay -num_paths 1 -critical_paths
write exp03_syn.vhd;

Листинг 5.18.Скриптовый файл exp04.tcl

read -design tree exp04.vhd ;
load_library bmk_little_dop.syn;
set -hierarchy flatten
set effort standard
set input2output 7.0
# Задание выходной нагрузки блока
set_attribute .work.tree.beh.y(0) -name 
  OUTPUT_LOAD -value "6.0" -port
set_attribute .work.tree.beh.y(1) -name 
  OUTPUT_LOAD -value "6.0" -port
set_attribute .work.tree.beh.y(3) -name 
  OUTPUT_LOAD -value "3.0" -port
# Задание максимально допустимой нагрузки по входу
# блока
set_attribute .work.tree.beh.a -name MAX_LOAD 
  -value "5.0" -port
# Задание выходного сопротивления внешнего выхода,
# управляющего входом
set_attribute .work.tree.beh.a -name 
  INPUT_DRIVE -value "0.5" -port
optimize -target bmk_little_dop -macro -area 
-effort standard -hierarchy flatten
report_area -cell_usage
report_delay -num_paths 1 -critical_paths
write exp04_syn.vhd;


6.Моделирование логический схем с использованием пакетов библиотеки VITAL

6.3.Синтез логической схемы

Листинг 6.1.Алгоритмическая VHDL-модель (файл tree.vhd)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity tree is
    generic ( byte : natural := 3);
  port ( a : in  std_logic;
         b : in  std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0);
         y : out std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0));
end tree;
architecture beh of tree is
  signal sig : std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0);
  sig <= (others => (not a));
  y   <= sig nand b;
end beh;

Листинг 6.2.Tcl-скрипт (файл tree.tcl)

# Чтение VHDL-проекта
read -design tree tree.vhd ;
# Задание значений температуры, напряжения питания
# и разброса параметров технологического процесса,
# используемых для расчета задержек
set temp 80
set voltage 5.5
set process typical
# Чтение библиотеки синтеза
load_library bmk_little.syn;
# Задание ограничения на задержку схемы
set input2output 1.2
# Задание режимов оптимизации
optimize -target bmk_little -macro -area 
         -effort standard -hierarchy flatten
# Выдача отчета о сложности схемы
report_area -cell_usage
# Выдача отчета о задержке (первый критический путь)
report_delay -num_paths 1 -critical_paths
# Установка объявлений на VHDL-пакеты
# (в структурное VHDL-описание схемы)
set vhdl_write_use_packages "library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
library bmk_vital;
use bmk_vital.VCOMPONENTS.all;"
# Сохранение структурного VHDL-описания схемы
write tree_vital.vhd;
# Задание типа задержки в SDF-файле
set sdf_type maximum
# Сохранение SDF-файла
write tree_vital.sdf;

Листинг 6.4.Структурное VHDL-описание синтезированной схемы tree (файл tree_vital.vhd)

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
library bmk_vital;
use bmk_vital.VCOMPONENTS.all;
entity tree is
   port (
      a : IN std_logic ;
      b : IN std_logic_vector (2 DOWNTO 0) ;
      y : OUT std_logic_vector (2 DOWNTO 0)) ;
end tree ;
architecture beh of tree is
   signal nx64, nx76: std_logic ;
   ix3 : NA2 port map ( Y=>y(0), A=>nx76, B=>b(0));
   ix7 : NA2 port map ( Y=>y(1), A=>nx76, B=>b(1));
   nx64_EXMPLR : N port map ( Y=>nx64, A=>a);
   y_2_EXMPLR_EXMPLR : NA2 port map ( Y=>y(2), A=>b(2), B=>nx64);
   ix77 : N port map ( Y=>nx76, A=>a);
end beh ;

Листинг 6.5.SDF-файл,соответствующий структурному VHDL-описанию (файл tree_vital.sdf)

 (DESIGN "tree")
 (DATE "03/03/06 00:08:27")
 (VENDOR "Exemplar Logic, Inc., Alameda")
 (PROGRAM "LeonardoSpectrum Level 3")
 (VERSION "2004a.30")
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.16) (::0.16))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.16) (::0.16)))))
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.16) (::0.16))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.16) (::0.16)))))
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.46) (::0.47)))))
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.16) (::0.16))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.16) (::0.16)))))
 (INSTANCE ix77)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.85) (::0.86)))))

6.4.Моделирование логической схемы

Листинг 6.6.Тестирующая программа (файл tree_tb.vhd)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity tree_tb is
  generic (    byte : natural := 3);
end tree_tb;
architecture tb of tree_tb is
  component tree
    port (
      a : in  std_logic;
      b : in  std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0);
      y : out std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0));
  end component;
  signal a : std_logic;
  signal b : std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0);
  signal y : std_logic_vector(byte-1 downto 0);
  signal count : unsigned(byte downto 0) :=
(others => '0');
  count <= count + 1 after 2 ns;
    a <= std_logic(count(0));
  b <= std_logic_vector(count(byte downto 1));
  d1: tree  port map (a => a, b => b, y => y);
end tb;



7.3.Использование средств пакетов при моделировании

Листинг 7.1.Пример использования функций пакета TEXTIO

library std,ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use std.textio.all;
entity tst_textio is
  generic (
    rfile_name : string := "c:vhdexp00write.log";
    wfile_name : string := "c:vhdexp00write.log");
end tst_textio;
architecture beh of tst_textio is
  signal wint, rint : integer;
  procedure pwrite is
    file wfile : TEXT open write_mode is wfile_name;
    variable l : line;
    variable b : bit := '1';
    variable bv : bit_vector(4 downto 0) := "10011";
    variable int : integer := 32145;
    variable r : real := 12.34523e12;
    variable c : character := ' ';
    variable t : time := 123 ms;
    write(l, b); -- запись в строку l значения
                 -- переменной b типа bit
    write(l, c);
    write(l, bv);
    write(l, c);
    write(l, int);
    write(l, c);
    write(l, r);
    write(l, c);
    write(l, t, right, 0, ms);
    write(l, string'(" Example !!!"));
    writeline(wfile, l);  -- сохранение строки l
                          -- в файле write.log
  end procedure;
  procedure pread  (
  signal sb : out bit;
  signal sbv : out bit_vector(4 downto 0);
  signal sint : out integer;
  signal sr : out real;
  signal st : out time)
    file rfile   : TEXT open read_mode is rfile_name;
    variable l   : line;
    variable b   : bit;
    variable bv  : bit_vector(4 downto 0);
    variable int : integer;
    variable r   : real;
    variable c   : character;
    variable t   : time;
    readline(rfile, l); -- чтение из файла write.log
                        -- строки символов
    read(l, b); -- преобразование первого символа
                -- строки l в значение переменной b
                -- типа bit
    read(l, bv);
    read(l, int);
    read(l, r);
    read(l, t);
    sb   <= b;
    sbv(4 downto 0) <= bv(4 downto 0);
    sint <= int;
    sr   <= r;
    st <= t;
  end procedure;
  signal b   : bit;
  signal bv  : bit_vector(4 downto 0);
  signal int : integer;
  signal r   : real;
  signal c  : character;
  signal t  : time;
  p1: process
    wait for 10 ns;
    pwrite;              -- вызов процедуры pwrite
    pread(b,bv,int,r,t); -- вызов процедуры pread
  end process p1;
end beh;

Листинг 7.2.Пример использования функций пакета TEXTIO для BIT_VECTOR

library ieee;
use std.textio.all;
entity xxor is
end xxor;
architecture beh of xxor is
  constant infilename : string := "c:vhdtest.in";
  constant outfilename : string := "c:vhdtest.out";
  signal a : bit_vector(1 downto 0);
  signal b : bit_vector(1 downto 0);
  signal y : bit_vector(1 downto 0);
  file infile  : TEXT open read_mode  is infilename;
  file outfile : TEXT open write_mode is outfilename;
  procedure readtest (
    file infile : TEXT ;
    signal a    : out bit_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal b    : out bit_vector(1 downto 0)) is
    variable a_v, b_v : bit_vector(1 downto 0);
    variable l        : line;
    if not endfile(infile) then
      -- чтение строки из файла
      readline(infile, l);
      -- если коментарий, то читаем еще строку
      while l(1) = '#' loop
      end loop;
      -- чтение вектора a из строки
      a <= a_v;
      -- чтение вектора b из строки
      b <= b_v;
    end if;
  end readtest;
  -- Процедура записи в файл результатов операции
  procedure write_test (
    file outfile : TEXT;
    signal a : in bit_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal b : in bit_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal y : in bit_vector(1 downto 0)) is
    variable l : line;
    write(l,string'(" xor "));
    write(l,string'(" = "));
  end procedure write_test;
  p1: process
    wait for 10 ns;
  end process p1;
  y <= a xor b;
end beh;

Листинг 7.3. Входной тестовый файл test.in для программы xxor

# a(1 downto 0) b(1 downto 0)
00 00
01 10
01 11
10 10
11 11

Листинг 7.5.Пример использований функций пакета STD_LOGIC_TEXTIO для типа STD_LOGIC_VECTOR

library ieee;
use std.textio.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
entity xxor_std is
end xxor_std;
architecture beh of xxor_std is
  constant infilename : string := "c:vhdtest.in";
  constant outfilename : string := "c:vhdtest.out";
  signal a : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  signal b : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  signal y : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  file infile  : TEXT open read_mode  is infilename;
  file outfile : TEXT open write_mode is outfilename;
  procedure readtest (
    file infile : TEXT ;
    signal a    : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal b    : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)) is
    variable a_v, b_v : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    variable l        : line;
    if not endfile(infile) then
      -- чтение строки из файла
      readline(infile, l);
      -- если коментарий, то читаем еще строку
      while l(1) = '#' loop
      end loop;
      -- чтение вектора a из строки
      a <= a_v;
      -- чтение вектора b из строки
      b <= b_v;
    end if;
  end readtest;
  -- Процедура записи в файл результатов операции
  procedure write_test (
    file outfile : TEXT;
    signal a : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal b : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal y : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)) is
    variable l : line;
    write(l,string'(" xor "));
    write(l,string'(" = "));
  end procedure write_test;
  p1: process
    wait for 10 ns;
  end process p1;
  y <= a xor b;
end beh;

Листинг 7.8.VHDL-модель ППЗУ

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use std.textio.all;
entity prom is
  generic (
    initfile : string := "");
  port (
    a  : in  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    wr : in  std_logic;
    di : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    do : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end prom;
architecture beh of prom is
  type mem_t is array(0 to 7)
    of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  function init_mem_from_file
    (constant filename : string) return mem_t is
    file infile   : text is filename;
    variable l    : line;
    variable data : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    variable i    : integer := 0;
    variable mem  :
      mem_t   := (others => (others => 'U'));
    while not endfile(infile) loop
      readline(infile, l);
      next when l(1) = '#';
      read(l, data);
      mem(i) := data;
      i := i + 1;
    end loop;
    return mem;
  end init_mem_from_file;
  procedure save_rom_to_file (
    constant filename : in string;
    signal   mem      : in mem_t) is
    file outfile : text open write_mode is filename;
    variable l   : line;
    variable i   : integer := 0;
    l := new string'("Произведена запись в ПЗУ. Карта памяти сохранена в файл rom.map");
    writeline(output,l);  -- вывод строки l в
                          -- консольную область
                          -- системы моделирования
    l := new string'("# ROM was changed. New ROM map is:");
    writeline(outfile,l); -- сохранение строки l
                          -- в файл
    for i in 0 to 7 loop
    end loop;
  end procedure save_rom_to_file;
  signal mem  : mem_t := init_mem_from_file(initfile);
  -- асинхронное чтение
  do <= mem(to_integer(unsigned(a)));
  -- синхронна$ запись
  p1: process (wr)
    if wr'event and wr = '1' then
      mem(to_integer(unsigned(a))) <= di;
    end if;
  end process p1;
end beh;

Листинг 7.9.Файл данных, записанных в ПЗУ (файл rom.map)

# Карта памяти ППЗУ 4х8 бит

Листинг 7.10.Тестирующая программа для VHDL-модели ППЗУ

library ieee;
use std.textio.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
entity prom_tb is
end prom_tb;
architecture tb of prom_tb is
  component prom
    generic (
      initfile : string);
    port (
      a  : in  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
      wr : in  std_logic;
      di : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
      do : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
  end component;
  constant infilename : string := "c:vhdtests.map";
  constant initfile : string := "c:vhdrom.map";
  signal a_i  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
  signal wr_i : std_logic;
  signal di_i : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal do_i : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  file inff : TEXT is infilename;
  procedure readtest (
    file infile : TEXT ;
    a  : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    di : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    wr : out std_logic) is
    variable l : line;
    if not endfile(infile) then
      -- чтение строки из файла
      readline(infile, l);
      -- выделение вектора адреса a из строки
      -- выделение вектора данных di из строки
      -- выделение сигнала записи wr из строки
    end if;
  end readtest;
  p1: process
    variable a_v  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    variable di_v : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    variable wr_v : std_logic;
      wr_i <= wr_v;
      a_i  <= a_v;
      di_i <= di_v;
      wait for 10 ns;
    end process p1;
  D1: prom
    generic map (
      initfile => initfile)
    port map (
      a  => a_i,
      wr => wr_i,
      di => di_i,
      do => do_i);
end tb;

Листинг 7.11.Тестовые векторы для VHDL-модели ППЗУ (файл tests.map)

000 0000 0
001 0000 0
010 0000 0
011 0000 0
100 0000 0
101 0000 0
110 0000 0
111 1100 0
000 1100 1
001 0011 0
010 0011 1
011 0110 0
100 0110 1
101 1001 0
110 1001 1
111 0000 0
000 0000 0
001 0000 0
010 0000 0
011 0000 0
100 0000 0
101 0000 0
110 0000 0
111 1100 0


8.Использование VHDL-пакетов в маршруте проектирования БМК

8.1.Пример проектирования арифметико-логического устройства

Листинг 8.1.Алгоритмическое описание блока alu (файл alu.vhd)

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity alu is
  generic (
    byte_in  : natural := 2;
    byte_out : natural := 4);
  port (
    a : in  std_logic_vector(byte_in-1 downto 0);
    b : in  std_logic_vector(byte_in-1 downto 0);
    c : in  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    y : out std_logic_vector(byte_out-1 downto 0));
end alu;
architecture beh of alu is
signal yy : unsigned(byte_out-1 downto 0);
  y <= std_logic_vector(yy);
  yy   <=
RESIZE(unsigned(a and b),byte_out) when c="00" else
RESIZE(unsigned(a or b),byte_out)  when c="01" else
RESIZE(unsigned(a) * unsigned(b),byte_out)
                                   when c="10" else
RESIZE((unsigned(a) + ('0'&amp; unsigned(b)) ),byte_out)
                                   when c="11" else
    (others => 'X');
end beh;

Листинг 8.2. Тестирующая программа для блока alu (файл alu_tb.vhd). Моделирование на всем пространстве входных наборов

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity alu_tb is
end alu_tb;
architecture tb of alu_tb is
  component alu
    generic (
      byte_in  : natural;
      byte_out : natural);
    port (
      a : in  std_logic_vector(byte_in-1 downto 0);
      b : in  std_logic_vector(byte_in-1 downto 0);
      c : in  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
      y : out std_logic_vector(byte_out-1 downto 0));
  end component;
  constant byte_in  : natural := 2;
  constant byte_out : natural := 4;
  signal a_i : std_logic_vector(byte_in-1 downto 0);
  signal b_i : std_logic_vector(byte_in-1 downto 0);
  signal c_i : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
  signal y_i : std_logic_vector(byte_out-1 downto 0);
  signal counter :
unsigned((2*byte_in+2) downto 0) := (others => '0');
  counter <= counter + 1 after 5 ns;
a_i <= std_logic_vector(counter(1+byte_in downto 2));
b_i <= std_logic_vector(counter(1+byte_in+byte_in downto 2+byte_in));
  c_i <= std_logic_vector(counter(1 downto 0));
    x1: alu
    generic map (
      byte_in  => byte_in,
      byte_out => byte_out)
    port map (a => a_i, b => b_i, c => c_i, y => y_i);
end tb;

Листинг 8.3.Тестирующая программа для блока alu (файл tstb.vhd). Моделирование с проверкой ожидаемых реакций

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use STD.TEXTIO.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_TEXTIO.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity tstb is
 generic (
    byte_in  : natural := 2;
    byte_out : natural := 4);
architecture BEHAVIOR of tstb is
component  alu
  generic (
    byte_in  : natural := 2;
    byte_out : natural := 4);
  port (
a : in  std_logic_vector(byte_in-1 downto 0);
b : in  std_logic_vector(byte_in-1 downto 0);
c : in  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
y : out std_logic_vector(byte_out-1 downto 0));
end component;
signal DATA:std_logic_vector ((3*byte_in)-1 downto 0);
signal a,b:std_logic_vector (byte_in-1 downto 0);
signal c : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal y : std_logic_vector(byte_out-1 downto 0);
signal OK   : integer  := 0;
c <=  (DATA(1), DATA (0)); b <= (DATA(3), DATA(2));
a <= (DATA(5), DATA(4));
p0: alu generic map (byte_in => 2, byte_out => 4)
   port map (a, b, c, y);
variable PTR,POKE, PREA :line;
variable DATA_IN: std_logic_vector
( (3*byte_in)-1 downto 0);
variable DATA_OUT: std_logic_vector
(byte_out-1 downto 0);
variable AWAIT_DATA_OUT:std_logic_vector
(byte_out-1 downto 0);
    while not (endfile(INFILE)) loop
    wait for 20 ns;
   wait for 20 ns;
        DATA_OUT := y;
    if (AWAIT_DATA_OUT = DATA_OUT) then null;
    else OK <= OK + 1;
    end if;
end loop;
if (OK = 0) then
assert(FALSE) report "Done!" severity WARNING;
assert(FALSE) report "ERROR!" severity FAILURE;
end if;
end process;

Листинг 8.4.Скрипт для синтеза блока alu (файл alu.tcl)

read -design alu alu.vhd ;
load_library bmk.syn;
set -hierarchy flatten
set effort standard
set input2output 5.0
optimize -target bmk -macro -area -effort standard 
  -hierarchy flatten
report_delay -num_paths 1 -critical_paths
# Сохранение VHDL-описания логической схемы
write alu_syn.vhd;
# Задание типа задержки
# set sdf_type maximum
# Сохранение SDF-файла
write alu_syn.sdf;

Листинг 8.11. VHDL-модель декрементора

library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity decr_6 is
port(di6, di5, di4, di3, di2, di1  : in STD_LOGIC;
du7, du6, du5, du4, du3, du2, du1  : out  std_logic);
architecture beh of decr_6 is
signal e: integer range 0 to 64;
signal DIN : integer range 0 to 63;
signal a : std_logic_vector ( 6 downto 1);
signal D : std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 1);
a <= (di6, di5, di4,di3, di2, di1);
DIN <= to_integer(unsigned(a));
e <= DIN + 1;
D <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(e,7));
du7 <= D(7);
du6 <= D(6);
du5 <= D(5);
du4 <= D(4);
du3 <= D(3);
du2 <= D(2);
du1 <= D(1);
end beh;


Приложение 1.Описание библиотеки bmk_little для программы lGen (файл bmk_little.lgn)

LIBRARY bmk_little (
AREA = 1.000; );
AREA = 1.000; );
FUNCTION ( Y = !A; );
AREA = 2.000;
  LIN = 1.000;
    PROP = (0.09,0.1);
    DRIVE = (0.5,0.5);););
OUTPUT Y ( LMAX = 4.000; ); );
FUNCTION ( Y = !(A*B); );
AREA = 3.000;
  LIN = 1.000;
    PROP = (0.2,0.2);
    DRIVE = (1.0,1.0);););
  LIN = 1.000;
    PROP = (0.2,0.2);
    DRIVE = (1.0,1.0);););
OUTPUT Y ( LMAX = 4.000; ); );
AREA = 32.000;
  LIN =  1.000;
    SETUP = (2.0,2.0);););
  LIN =  1.000;
    PROP = (1.0,1.0);
    DRIVE = (0.5,0.5);););
  LIN =  1.000;
    PROP = (1.0,1.0);
    DRIVE = (0.5,0.5);););
  LIN =  1.000;
    PROP = (1.0,1.0);
    DRIVE = (0.5,0.5);););
OUTPUT Q ( LMAX = 16.000; ); );
### Global variable
set area_units = step;
set delay_units = ns;
set lib_version = 03.01.2006;
set max_temp = 85;
set max_voltage = 6.0;
set min_temp = -40;
set min_voltage = 2.7;
set temp_slope = 0.0025;
set voltage_slope = -0.140000;
set nominal_process = typical;
set nominal_temp = 27;
set nominal_voltage = 3.300000;
set fast_process = 0.900000;
set typical_process = 1;
set worst_process = 1.100000;
set opt_for_area_weights = 1 0.010000 0.100000 0;
set opt_for_speed_weights = 0.010000 1 0.100000 0;
set rep_logic = true;


Приложение 2. VHDL-описания элементов библиотеки bmk_little

1.Файл bmk.vhd, содержащий описания элементов с ненулевыми задержками

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity GND is
  port( Y : out std_logic );
architecture beh of GND is
  Y <= '0';
end beh;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity VCC is
  port( Y : out std_logic );
architecture beh of VCC is
  Y <= '1';
end beh;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity N is
  generic (
    del : time := 160 ps);
  port (
    A   : in  std_logic;
    Y   : out std_logic);
end N;
architecture beh of N is
  Y <= not A after del;
end beh;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity NA2 is
  generic (
    del : time := 275 ps);
  port (
    A   : in  std_logic;
    B   : in  std_logic;
    Y   : out std_logic);
end NA2;
architecture beh of NA2 is
  Y <= not (A and B) after del;
end beh;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity FDRS is
  generic (
    del : time := 1300 ps);
  port (
    D   : in  std_logic;
    C   : in  std_logic;
    R   : in  std_logic;
    S   : in  std_logic;
    Q   : out std_logic);
end FDRS;
architecture beh of FDRS is
  p1 : process (C, R, S)
    if R = '1' then
      Q <= '0' after del;
    elsif S = '1' then
      Q <= '1' after del;
    elsif C'event and C = '1' then
      Q <= D   after del;
    end if;
  end process p1;
end beh;

2.Файл bmk_pack.vhd, содержащий декларации элементов библиотеки bmk_little

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package bmk_pack  is
  component GND
    port (
      Y : out std_logic);
  end component;
  component VCC
    port (
      Y : out std_logic);
  end component;
  component N
    generic (
      del : time);
    port (
      A : in  std_logic;
      Y : out std_logic);
  end component;
  component NA2
    generic (
      del : time);
    port (
      A : in  std_logic;
      B : in  std_logic;
      Y : out std_logic);
  end component;
  component FDRS
    generic (
      del : time);
    port (
      D : in  std_logic;
      C : in  std_logic;
      R : in  std_logic;
      S : in  std_logic;
      Q : out std_logic);
  end component;           end bmk_pack;


Приложение 3. VITAL-библиотека bmk_little 1.Файл bmk_VITAL.vhd

----- CELL FDRS -----
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
-- entity declaration --
entity FDRS is
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      Xon: Boolean := False;
      MsgOn: Boolean := True;
      tpd_R_q                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (1806.000 ps, 1042.000 ps);
      tpd_S_q                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (1806.000 ps, 1042.000 ps);
      tpd_C_q                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (1299.000 ps, 1270.000 ps);
      tsetup_D_C                     :	VitalDelayType := 600.000 ps;
      thold_D_C                      :	VitalDelayType := 500.000 ps;
      tipd_D                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps);
      tipd_C                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps);
      tipd_R                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps);
      tipd_S                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps));
      D        :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      C         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      R         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      S         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      q         :	out   STD_ULOGIC);
attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of FDRS : entity is TRUE;
end FDRS;
-- architecture body --
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
library bmk;
use bmk.VTABLES.all;
architecture VITAL of FDRS is
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL1 of VITAL : architecture is TRUE;
   SIGNAL D_ipd	 : STD_ULOGIC := 'X';
   SIGNAL C_ipd	 : STD_ULOGIC := 'X';
   SIGNAL R_ipd	 : STD_ULOGIC := 'X';
   SIGNAL S_ipd	 : STD_ULOGIC := 'X';
   WireDelay : block
   VitalWireDelay (D_ipd, D, tipd_D);
   VitalWireDelay (C_ipd, C, tipd_C);
   VitalWireDelay (R_ipd, R, tipd_R);
   VitalWireDelay (S_ipd, S, tipd_S);
   end block;
   VITALBehavior : process (D_ipd, C_ipd, R_ipd, S_ipd)
   -- timing check results
   VARIABLE Tviol_D_C_posedge	: STD_ULOGIC := '0';
   VARIABLE Tmkr_D_C_posedge	: VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
   -- functionality results
   VARIABLE Violation : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
   VARIABLE PrevData_q : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 4);
   VARIABLE D_delayed : STD_ULOGIC := 'X';
   VARIABLE C_delayed : STD_ULOGIC := 'X';
   VARIABLE Results : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to 1) := (others => 'X');
   ALIAS q_zd : STD_LOGIC is Results(1);
   -- output glitch detection variables
   VARIABLE q_GlitchData	: VitalGlitchDataType;
      --  Timing Check Section
      if (TimingChecksOn) then
         VitalSetupHoldCheck (
          Violation               => Tviol_D_C_posedge,
          TimingData              => Tmkr_D_C_posedge,
          TestSignal              => D_ipd,
          TestSignalName          => "D",
          TestDelay               => 0 ps,
          RefSignal               => C_ipd,
          RefSignalName           => "C",
          RefDelay                => 0 ps,
          SetupHigh               => tsetup_D_C,
          SetupLow                => tsetup_D_C,
          HoldHigh                => thold_D_C,
          HoldLow                 => thold_D_C,
          CheckEnabled            =>
          TO_X01(( S_ipd ) OR ( R_ipd ) ) /= '1',
          RefTransition           => 'R',
          HeaderMsg               => InstancePath &amp; "/FDRS",
          Xon                     => Xon,
          MsgOn                   => MsgOn,
          MsgSeverity             => WARNING);
      end if;
      --  Functionality Section
      Violation := Tviol_D_C_posedge;
        Result => q_zd,
        PreviousDataIn => PrevData_q,
        StateTable => FDRS_q_tab,
        DataIn => (
        C_delayed, D_delayed, S_ipd, C_ipd, R_ipd));
      q_zd := Violation XOR q_zd;
      D_delayed := D_ipd;
      C_delayed := C_ipd;
      --  Path Delay Section
      VitalPathDelay01 (
       OutSignal => q,
       GlitchData => q_GlitchData,
       OutSignalName => "q",
       OutTemp => q_zd,
       Paths => (0 => (R_ipd'last_event, tpd_R_q, TRUE),
                 1 => (S_ipd'last_event, tpd_S_q, TRUE),
                 2 => (C_ipd'last_event, tpd_C_q, TRUE)),
       Mode => OnDetect,
       Xon => Xon,
       MsgOn => MsgOn,
       MsgSeverity => WARNING);
end process;
end VITAL;
configuration CFG_FDRS_VITAL of FDRS is
   for VITAL
   end for;
----- CELL GND -----
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
-- entity declaration --
entity GND is
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      Xon: Boolean := False;
      MsgOn: Boolean := True);
      Y         :	out   STD_ULOGIC := '0');
attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of GND : entity is TRUE;
end GND;
-- architecture body --
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
library bmk;
use bmk.VTABLES.all;
architecture VITAL of GND is
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of VITAL : architecture is TRUE;
   WireDelay : block
   --  empty
   end block;
   Y <= '0';
end VITAL;
configuration CFG_GND_VITAL of GND is
   for VITAL
   end for;
----- CELL N -----
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
-- entity declaration --
entity N is
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      Xon: Boolean := False;
      MsgOn: Boolean := True;
      tpd_A_Y                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (160.000 ps, 135.000 ps);
      tipd_A                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps));
      A         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      Y         :	out   STD_ULOGIC);
attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of N : entity is TRUE;
end N;
-- architecture body --
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
library bmk;
use bmk.VTABLES.all;
architecture VITAL of N is
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL1 of VITAL : architecture is TRUE;
   SIGNAL A_ipd	 : STD_ULOGIC := 'X';
   WireDelay : block
   VitalWireDelay (A_ipd, A, tipd_A);
   end block;
   VITALBehavior : process (A_ipd)
   -- functionality results
   VARIABLE Results : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to 1) := (others => 'X');
   ALIAS Y_zd : STD_LOGIC is Results(1);
   -- output glitch detection variables
   VARIABLE Y_GlitchData	: VitalGlitchDataType;
      --  Functionality Section
      Y_zd := (NOT A_ipd);
      --  Path Delay Section
      VitalPathDelay01 (
       OutSignal => Y,
       GlitchData => Y_GlitchData,
       OutSignalName => "Y",
       OutTemp => Y_zd,
       Paths => (0 => (A_ipd'last_event, tpd_A_Y, TRUE)),
       Mode => OnDetect,
       Xon => Xon,
       MsgOn => MsgOn,
       MsgSeverity => WARNING);
end process;
end VITAL;
configuration CFG_N_VITAL of N is
   for VITAL
   end for;
----- CELL NA2 -----
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
-- entity declaration --
entity NA2 is
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      Xon: Boolean := False;
      MsgOn: Boolean := True;
      tpd_A_Y                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (179.000 ps, 272.000 ps);
      tpd_B_Y                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (150.000 ps, 275.000 ps);
      tipd_A                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps);
      tipd_B                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps));
      A         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      B         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      Y         :	out   STD_ULOGIC);
attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of NA2 : entity is TRUE;
end NA2;
-- architecture body --
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
library bmk;
use bmk.VTABLES.all;
architecture VITAL of NA2 is
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL1 of VITAL : architecture is TRUE;
   SIGNAL A_ipd	 : STD_ULOGIC := 'X';
   SIGNAL B_ipd	 : STD_ULOGIC := 'X';
   WireDelay : block
   VitalWireDelay (A_ipd, A, tipd_A);
   VitalWireDelay (B_ipd, B, tipd_B);
   end block;
   VITALBehavior : process (A_ipd, B_ipd)
   -- functionality results
   VARIABLE Results : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to 1) := (others => 'X');
   ALIAS Y_zd : STD_LOGIC is Results(1);
   -- output glitch detection variables
   VARIABLE Y_GlitchData	: VitalGlitchDataType;
      --  Functionality Section
      Y_zd := (NOT ((B_ipd) AND (A_ipd)));
      --  Path Delay Section
      VitalPathDelay01 (
       OutSignal => Y,
       GlitchData => Y_GlitchData,
       OutSignalName => "Y",
       OutTemp => Y_zd,
       Paths => (0 => (A_ipd'last_event, tpd_A_Y, TRUE),
                 1 => (B_ipd'last_event, tpd_B_Y, TRUE)),
       Mode => OnDetect,
       Xon => Xon,
       MsgOn => MsgOn,
       MsgSeverity => WARNING);
end process;
end VITAL;
configuration CFG_NA2_VITAL of NA2 is
   for VITAL
   end for;
----- CELL VCC -----
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
-- entity declaration --
entity VCC is
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      Xon: Boolean := False;
      MsgOn: Boolean := True);
      Y         :	out   STD_ULOGIC := '1');
attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of VCC : entity is TRUE;
end VCC;
-- architecture body --
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
library bmk;
use bmk.VTABLES.all;
architecture VITAL of VCC is
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of VITAL : architecture is TRUE;
   WireDelay : block
   --  empty
   end block;
   Y <= '1';
end VITAL;
configuration CFG_VCC_VITAL of VCC is
   for VITAL
   end for;
---- end of library ----

2.Файл bmk_Vcomponents.vhd

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-- synopsys translate_off
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
-- synopsys translate_on
package VCOMPONENTS is
constant DefaultTimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
constant DefaultXon : Boolean := False;
constant DefaultMsgOn : Boolean := True;
----- Component FDRS -----
component FDRS
-- synopsys translate_off
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := DefaultTimingChecksOn;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      Xon: Boolean := DefaultXon;
      MsgOn: Boolean := DefaultMsgOn;
      tpd_R_q                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (1806.000 ps, 1042.000 ps);
      tpd_S_q                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (1806.000 ps, 1042.000 ps);
      tpd_C_q                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (1299.000 ps, 1270.000 ps);
      tsetup_D_C                     :	VitalDelayType := 600.000 ps;
      thold_D_C                      :	VitalDelayType := 500.000 ps;
      tipd_D                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps);
      tipd_C                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps);
      tipd_R                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps);
      tipd_S                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps));
-- synopsys translate_on
      D         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      C         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      R         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      S         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      q         :	out   STD_ULOGIC);
end component;
----- Component GND -----
component GND
-- synopsys translate_off
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := DefaultTimingChecksOn;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      Xon: Boolean := DefaultXon;
      MsgOn: Boolean := DefaultMsgOn);
-- synopsys translate_on
      Y         :	out   STD_ULOGIC := '0');
end component;
----- Component N -----
component N
-- synopsys translate_off
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := DefaultTimingChecksOn;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      Xon: Boolean := DefaultXon;
      MsgOn: Boolean := DefaultMsgOn;
      tpd_A_Y                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (160.000 ps, 135.000 ps);
      tipd_A                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps));
-- synopsys translate_on
      A         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      Y         :	out   STD_ULOGIC);
end component;
----- Component NA2 -----
component NA2
-- synopsys translate_off
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := DefaultTimingChecksOn;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      Xon: Boolean := DefaultXon;
      MsgOn: Boolean := DefaultMsgOn;
      tpd_A_Y                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (179.000 ps, 272.000 ps);
      tpd_B_Y                        :	VitalDelayType01 := (150.000 ps, 275.000 ps);
      tipd_A                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps);
      tipd_B                         :	VitalDelayType01 := (0.000 ps, 0.000 ps));
-- synopsys translate_on
      A         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      B         :	in    STD_ULOGIC;
      Y         :	out   STD_ULOGIC);
end component;
----- Component VCC -----
component VCC
-- synopsys translate_off
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := DefaultTimingChecksOn;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      Xon: Boolean := DefaultXon;
      MsgOn: Boolean := DefaultMsgOn);
-- synopsys translate_on
      Y         :	out   STD_ULOGIC := '1');
end component;
---- end of VITAL components library ----

3.Файл bmk_Vtables.vhd

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
-- synopsys translate_off
library IEEE;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
-- synopsys translate_on
package VTABLES is
   CONSTANT L : VitalTableSymbolType := '0';
   CONSTANT H : VitalTableSymbolType := '1';
   CONSTANT x : VitalTableSymbolType := '-';
   CONSTANT S : VitalTableSymbolType := 'S';
   CONSTANT R : VitalTableSymbolType := '/';
   CONSTANT U : VitalTableSymbolType := 'X';
   CONSTANT V : VitalTableSymbolType := 'B';
-- valid clock signal (non-rising)
   CONSTANT FDRS_q_tab : VitalStateTableType := (
    ( L,  L,  L,  H,  x,  x,  L ),
    ( L,  H,  x,  H,  L,  x,  H ),
    ( H,  x,  L,  x,  L,  x,  S ),
    ( x,  x,  L,  L,  L,  x,  S ),
    ( x,  x,  H,  x,  L,  x,  H ),
    ( x,  x,  x,  x,  H,  x,  L ));
---- end of VITAL tables library ----


Приложение 4. Моделирование схемы АЛУ

1.Структурное описание (netlist) синтезированной схемы alu (файл alu_syn.vhd)

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use work.bmk_pack.all;
entity alu is
generic (
    byte_in  : natural := 2;
    byte_out : natural := 4);
   port (
      a : IN std_logic_vector (1 DOWNTO 0) ;
      b : IN std_logic_vector (1 DOWNTO 0) ;
      c : IN std_logic_vector (1 DOWNTO 0) ;
      y : OUT std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0)) ;
end alu ;
architecture beh of alu is
   signal nx6, nx110, nx130, nx132, nx112, nx142, nx143, nx144, nx145, nx146,
      nx147, NOT_nx118, nx107, nx148, nx149, nx150, nx151, nx152, nx153,
      nx154, nx155, nx156, nx127: std_logic ;
   ix89 : NO3 port map ( Y=>y(3), A=>nx6, B=>c(0), C=>nx107);
   ix7 : NA3 port map ( Y=>nx6, A=>b(0), B=>a(0), C=>c(1));
   ix37 : NAO2 port map ( Y=>y(0), A=>nx110, B=>c(0), C=>nx112);
   ix111 : NA3O2 port map ( Y=>nx110, A=>c(0), B=>nx6, C=>a(0), D=>b(0));
   ix25 : NAO3 port map ( Y=>y(2), A=>nx130, B=>nx6, C=>nx132, D=>nx127);
   ix131 : NA4 port map ( Y=>nx130, A=>nx112, B=>c(1), C=>a(1), D=>b(1));
   ix133 : N port map ( Y=>nx132, A=>c(0));
   ix113 : NA2 port map ( Y=>nx112, A=>b(0), B=>a(0));
   ix157 : N port map ( Y=>nx142, A=>c(1));
   ix158 : NO2 port map ( Y=>nx143, A=>nx142, B=>c(0));
   ix159 : N port map ( Y=>nx144, A=>a(1));
   ix160 : N port map ( Y=>nx145, A=>b(0));
   ix161 : N port map ( Y=>nx146, A=>b(1));
   ix162 : N port map ( Y=>nx147, A=>a(0));
   NOT_ix118: NAO22 port map ( Y=>NOT_nx118, A=>nx144, B=>nx145, C=>
      nx146, D=>nx147);
   ix107 : NA2 port map ( Y=>nx107, A=>b(1), B=>a(1));
   ix163 : NA3O2 port map ( Y=>nx148, A=>nx143, B=>NOT_nx118, C=>nx112, D=>
   ix164 : NA3O2 port map ( Y=>nx149, A=>c(0), B=>nx142, C=>b(1), D=>a(1));
   ix165 : NOA22 port map ( Y=>nx150, A=>b(1), B=>a(1), C=>nx146, D=>nx144);
   ix166 : NOA2 port map ( Y=>nx151, A=>c(1), B=>nx146, C=>nx144);
   ix167 : N port map ( Y=>nx152, A=>nx112);
   ix168 : NOA3 port map ( Y=>nx153, A=>nx151, B=>nx152, C=>c(1), D=>c(0));
   ix169 : NA3O2 port map ( Y=>nx154, A=>nx148, B=>nx149, C=>nx150, D=>nx153
   ix170 : A2 port map ( Y=>nx155, A=>c(1), B=>c(0));
   ix171 : NOA3 port map ( Y=>nx156, A=>nx154, B=>nx112, C=>nx150, D=>nx155
   yy_1: N port map ( Y=>y(1), A=>nx156);
   ix127: NO2 port map ( Y=>nx127, A=>b(1), B=>a(1));
end beh ;

2.SDF-файл синтезированной схемы (alu_syn.sdf)

 (DESIGN "alu")
 (DATE "01/13/06 12:12:17")
 (VENDOR "Exemplar Logic, Inc., Alameda")
 (PROGRAM "LeonardoSpectrum Level 3")
 (VERSION "2004a.30")
 (INSTANCE ix89)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.54) (::0.17))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.56) (::0.18))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.53) (::0.18)))))
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.52) (::0.83))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.47) (::0.84))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.53) (::0.84)))))
 (INSTANCE ix37)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.15) (::0.28))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.30) (::0.25))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.36) (::0.27)))))
 (INSTANCE ix111)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.29) (::0.52))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.28) (::0.51))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.22) (::0.52))
   (IOPATH D Y (::0.64) (::0.51)))))
 (INSTANCE ix25)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::1.00) (::0.67))
   (IOPATH B Y (::1.00) (::0.67))
   (IOPATH C Y (::1.00) (::0.67))
   (IOPATH D Y (::1.00) (::0.67)))))
 (INSTANCE ix131)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.45) (::0.92))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.44) (::0.89))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.40) (::0.81))
   (IOPATH D Y (::0.34) (::0.71)))))
 (INSTANCE ix133)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.21) (::0.18)))))
 (INSTANCE ix113)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.72) (::0.77))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.69) (::0.77)))))
 (INSTANCE ix157)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.28) (::0.23)))))
 (INSTANCE ix158)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.54) (::0.24))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.52) (::0.22)))))
 (INSTANCE ix159)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.33) (::0.28)))))
 (INSTANCE ix160)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.21) (::0.18)))))
 (INSTANCE ix161)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.33) (::0.28)))))
 (INSTANCE ix162)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.21) (::0.18)))))
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.73) (::0.50))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.74) (::0.29))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.52) (::0.38))
   (IOPATH D Y (::0.72) (::0.31)))))
 (INSTANCE ix107)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.39) (::0.47))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.36) (::0.47)))))
 (INSTANCE ix163)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.30) (::0.52))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.29) (::0.52))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.22) (::0.52))
   (IOPATH D Y (::0.65) (::0.52)))))
 (INSTANCE ix164)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.31) (::0.53))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.29) (::0.53))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.22) (::0.53))
   (IOPATH D Y (::0.67) (::0.53)))))
 (INSTANCE ix165)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.93) (::0.50))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.71) (::0.57))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.48) (::0.55))
   (IOPATH D Y (::0.53) (::0.44)))))
 (INSTANCE ix166)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.42) (::0.22))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.43) (::0.35))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.54) (::0.15)))))
 (INSTANCE ix167)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.21) (::0.18)))))
 (INSTANCE ix168)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.30) (::0.21))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.66) (::0.75))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.53) (::0.69))
   (IOPATH D Y (::0.75) (::0.76)))))
 (INSTANCE ix169)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.29) (::0.51))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.28) (::0.51))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.21) (::0.51))
   (IOPATH D Y (::0.64) (::0.51)))))
 (INSTANCE ix170)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.56) (::0.53))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.56) (::0.48)))))
 (INSTANCE ix171)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT C (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.30) (::0.21))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.66) (::0.74))
   (IOPATH C Y (::0.53) (::0.68))
   (IOPATH D Y (::0.74) (::0.76)))))
 (INSTANCE yy_1)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.16) (::0.14)))))
 (INSTANCE ix127)
   (PORT A (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (PORT B (::0.00) (::0.00))
   (IOPATH A Y (::0.52) (::0.24))
   (IOPATH B Y (::0.50) (::0.22)))))

3.RTL-описание схемы alu после команды unmap (файл alu_RTL.vhd)

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity alu is
   port (
      a : IN std_logic_vector (1 DOWNTO 0) ;
      b : IN std_logic_vector (1 DOWNTO 0) ;
      c : IN std_logic_vector (1 DOWNTO 0) ;
      y : OUT std_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0)) ;
end alu ;
architecture beh of alu is
   signal nx6, nx110, nx130, nx132, nx112, nx142, nx143, nx144, nx145, nx146, 
nx147, NOT_nx118, nx107, nx148, nx149, nx150, nx151, nx152, nx153, 
      nx154, nx155, nx156, nx127, nx3, nx4_dup_0, nx4, nx5, nx172, 
      nx4_dup_0_dup_173, nx174, nx175, nx176, nx4_dup_0_dup_177, nx178, 
      nx179, nx4_dup_0_dup_181, nx182, nx183, nx184, nx8, nx7, 
      nx4_dup_0_dup_186, nx187, nx188, nx189, nx190, nx191, 
      nx4_dup_0_dup_193, nx194, nx195, nx196, nx197, nx198, nx2, nx200, 
      nx202, nx203, nx4_dup_0_dup_206, nx207, nx208, nx209, nx210, nx10, 
      nx212, nx213, nx4_dup_0_dup_216, nx217, nx218, nx219, nx220, nx221, 
      nx4_dup_0_dup_224, nx225, nx226, nx227, nx228, nx229, 
      nx4_dup_0_dup_232, nx233, nx234, nx235, nx236, nx237, nx238, nx14, 
      nx16, nx18, nx241, nx4_dup_0_dup_242, nx243, nx244, nx245, 
      nx4_dup_0_dup_249, nx250, nx251, nx252, nx253, nx254, nx255, nx256, 
      nx4_dup_0_dup_259, nx260, nx261, nx262, nx263, nx264, 
      nx4_dup_0_dup_269, nx270, nx271, nx272, nx273, nx274, nx275, nx276, 
      nx278, nx279: std_logic ;
   nx3 <= NOT nx6 ;
   nx4_dup_0 <= NOT c(0) ;
   nx4 <= nx3 AND nx4_dup_0 ;
   nx5 <= NOT nx107 ;
   y(3) <= nx4 AND nx5 ;
   nx172 <= NOT c(1) ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_173 <= NOT a(0) ;
   nx174 <= nx172 OR nx4_dup_0_dup_173 ;
   nx175 <= NOT b(0) ;
   nx6 <= nx174 OR nx175 ;
   nx176 <= NOT c(0) ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_177 <= NOT nx112 ;
   nx178 <= nx176 AND nx4_dup_0_dup_177 ;
   nx179 <= NOT nx110 ;
   y(0) <= nx178 OR nx179 ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_181 <= NOT a(0) ;
   nx182 <= NOT b(0) ;
   nx183 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_181 AND nx182 ;
   nx184 <= NOT nx6 ;
   nx8 <= nx183 OR nx184 ;
   nx7 <= NOT c(0) ;
   nx110 <= nx8 OR nx7 ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_186 <= NOT nx6 ;
   nx187 <= NOT nx132 ;
   nx188 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_186 AND nx187 ;
   nx189 <= NOT nx127 ;
   nx190 <= nx188 AND nx189 ;
   nx191 <= NOT nx130 ;
   y(2) <= nx190 OR nx191 ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_193 <= NOT b(1) ;
   nx194 <= NOT a(1) ;
   nx195 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_193 OR nx194 ;
   nx196 <= NOT c(1) ;
   nx197 <= nx195 OR nx196 ;
   nx198 <= NOT nx112 ;
   nx130 <= nx197 OR nx198 ;
   nx132 <= NOT c(0) ;
   nx2 <= NOT a(0) ;
   nx200 <= NOT b(0) ;
   nx112 <= nx2 OR nx200 ;
   nx142 <= NOT c(1) ;
   nx202 <= NOT nx142 ;
   nx203 <= NOT c(0) ;
   nx143 <= nx202 AND nx203 ;
   nx144 <= NOT a(1) ;
   nx145 <= NOT b(0) ;
   nx146 <= NOT b(1) ;
   nx147 <= NOT a(0) ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_206 <= NOT nx146 ;
   nx207 <= NOT nx147 ;
   nx208 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_206 AND nx207 ;
   nx209 <= NOT nx144 ;
   nx210 <= NOT nx145 ;
   nx10 <= nx209 AND nx210 ;
   NOT_nx118 <= nx208 OR nx10 ;
   nx212 <= NOT a(1) ;
   nx213 <= NOT b(1) ;
   nx107 <= nx212 OR nx213 ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_216 <= NOT nx112 ;
   nx217 <= NOT nx107 ;
   nx218 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_216 AND nx217 ;
   nx219 <= NOT NOT_nx118 ;
   nx220 <= nx218 OR nx219 ;
   nx221 <= NOT nx143 ;
   nx148 <= nx220 OR nx221 ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_224 <= NOT b(1) ;
   nx225 <= NOT a(1) ;
   nx226 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_224 AND nx225 ;
   nx227 <= NOT nx142 ;
   nx228 <= nx226 OR nx227 ;
   nx229 <= NOT c(0) ;
   nx149 <= nx228 OR nx229 ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_232 <= NOT a(1) ;
   nx233 <= NOT nx144 ;
   nx234 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_232 AND nx233 ;
   nx235 <= NOT b(1) ;
   nx236 <= nx235 AND nx233 ;
   nx237 <= nx234 OR nx236 ;
   nx238 <= NOT nx146 ;
   nx14 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_232 AND nx238 ;
   nx16 <= nx237 OR nx14 ;
   nx18 <= nx235 AND nx238 ;
   nx150 <= nx16 OR nx18 ;
   nx241 <= NOT c(1) ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_242 <= NOT nx144 ;
   nx243 <= nx241 AND nx4_dup_0_dup_242 ;
   nx244 <= NOT nx146 ;
   nx245 <= nx241 AND nx244 ;
   nx151 <= nx243 OR nx245 ;
   nx152 <= NOT nx112 ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_249 <= NOT nx151 ;
   nx250 <= NOT c(0) ;
   nx251 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_249 AND nx250 ;
   nx252 <= NOT c(1) ;
   nx253 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_249 AND nx252 ;    nx254 <= nx251 OR nx253 ;
   nx255 <= NOT nx152 ;
   nx256 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_249 AND nx255 ;
   nx153 <= nx254 OR nx256 ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_259 <= NOT nx150 ;
   nx260 <= NOT nx153 ;
   nx261 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_259 AND nx260 ;
   nx262 <= NOT nx149 ;
   nx263 <= nx261 OR nx262 ;
   nx264 <= NOT nx148 ;
   nx154 <= nx263 OR nx264 ;
   nx155 <= c(1) AND c(0) ;
   nx4_dup_0_dup_269 <= NOT nx154 ;
   nx270 <= NOT nx155 ;
   nx271 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_269 AND nx270 ;
   nx272 <= NOT nx150 ;
   nx273 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_269 AND nx272 ;
   nx274 <= nx271 OR nx273 ;
   nx275 <= NOT nx112 ;
   nx276 <= nx4_dup_0_dup_269 AND nx275 ;
   nx156 <= nx274 OR nx276 ;
   y(1) <= NOT nx156 ;
   nx278 <= NOT b(1) ;
   nx279 <= NOT a(1) ;
   nx127 <= nx278 AND nx279 ;
end beh ;
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